While he had planned his opponent fleeing or being pulled, he above all expected what was now happening, as his enemy charged in to use his own attack against him. Happening a bit faster than he had expected, however, he had to hurry and wipe his forefingers over his arm again. [i]"Gravity Center: Increase!"[/i] While increasing the power depleted more of his own magic, this also caused his enemy to be pulled in even quicker. However, what this also did was cause the ground around him to be so drawn to himself that it folded up from the ground around him, providing a thick rock and concrete shielding all around him. Once his enemy arrived at the barrier, Azrul would hold his whole hand over the mark on his arm and remove the Gravity Center magic. With his enemy directly between him and the oncoming crystal arrows, Azrul knew he had only one more large gravity-based move in him. Stretching both hands over his head, a large magic circle appeared overhead of Sayto and Azrul. [i]"Gravity Pressure Field!"[/i] He yelled out as the gravitational pull towards the ground skyrocketed and causing anything and anybody directly near Azrul to be pulled towards the ground. This would cause the oncoming arrows to follow it's trajectory until reaching Sayto, where it would then curve down towards Sayto's location if he was successfully pulled down. While it was rapidly draining the last of Azrul's magic, he fought as hard as possible to hold it up until the crystal arrows could reach Sayto and hit him.