Another show, Shayne thought, her eyes travelling to Blaze and then to Storm. They were the stars of the demon show, much to the dismay of the.other demons, but Blaze and Storm were he babies, and she protected them as much as they protected her. It was why he eyes had shifted. Blaze, who was the calmer and more observant of her hounds, had been growling quietly for the last few minutes. It never alarmed her before, but this time it did. She looked to Blaze more and followed her line of sight to a boy who was watching them. With a smile, she raised her hand and waved a bit before one of her ex boyfriends approached. David. "Who is that, Shayne?" He asked, his eyes looking over towards him. Shayne looked to David and gave a look. "Joel Kline." She answered. "He is an under the radar sort of student." Blaze growled again, this time at David who backed away. He looked to Shayne and rose a brow. "How do you know all of this?" "I have my ways, D, besides, don't you have a show to prep for? Blaze and Storm are ready," she said, looking to her hounds who stood at the ready. The show was getting ready to start and her hounds were the second act, but Shayne acted as the announcer for them, as she always did. "Got to run, but know you follow Storm, Blaze, and Pierre." With that, her hounds headed over to the fire demon and sat as Shayne took center stage, snapping her fingers and a microphone levitated into her fingers. She heard the music beging and a few passersby stopped and took a seat in the small set up they had at the end of the line of booths. Now, Shayne got to shine. "Good afternoon, fellow students, and welcome, or welcome back, to Purgatory Prep. For those of you who have never seen me, I am Shayne Sinclaire, your ringmaster, and welcome to the Demon Circus!" She announced, and with a snap of her fingers the curtains came down and the show began with who were known as the twins. They were elemental demons of air and ash, and their show had always been spectacular. About five minutes later, Blaze and Storm came out and stood center stage as Pierre came behind them, butsomething was off, and Shayne could sense it. -- It was a nice break, when Shayne's voice came over the crowds, of course, not all of the older students sat to watch, but the new students did, all of them stared in awe as the show began. Beatrice leaned over the booth to watch, and Beau sighed. "WWhat's the matter?" She asked, and Beau looked to her. "Nothing, just glad to be back here. Seeing friends and new souls." He said, "And I have been thinking about what the council said. About the races." "The ones masquerading around here? I think it's a load of bull. No creature can hide their true nature from us, Beau. We're the only real pures here of our kind, the rest are half human." "I know." He said, his eyes travelling to the balloon popping game. "I'm going to go play a few games, ease my mind." Beatrice nodded, and Beau smiled as he approached where Allegra was. It was good thqt Shayne was so familiar with the faces and people of the school, otherwise he might not have approached this table. He looked to Allegra and gave a charming smile. "Mind if I give it a go?" He asked, but then it happened. "WATCH OUT!" Someone screamed, qnd Beau turned his head and saw Blaze and Stoem disappear, only to reappear in front of him as a huge fireball came his way. Shayne was out of her seat, her eyes both black completely and her hand out as Blaze and Storm flanked his sides, the fireball splitting in half as the houndscaught them and launched them back. Beau was seething now, but the large crack alarmed him and the growls got the crowd moving. Shayne was the ringmaster of the Demon Circus for a reason, and now he saw why. Pierre was running off, bursting out of his skin it appeared, but the crowd saw it as part of the show. Even he knew it wasn't. One of the witches spoke, "Shayne really knows her stuff, most demons can't make others take true form like that." Beau sighed. "Anyway, mind if I play?" He asked, showing his charming side again, and tossing some tokens in his hand.