However, after sitting for mere moments, Tatsuki feels the need to move. [i]'I feel as restless as I did back in training. But. . . .It's not a bad feeling'[/i] Sitting up a little he strikes out across the smallish spring, swimming around a few times before dipping under the water completely. The warmth wrapping around him on all sides is too much for his body, and without hesitation he stands up. The water rushes off his body as he throws his head back, trying to keep his now soaked hair from sticking to his face. An instant later though he pauses mid shake as he spots the young innkeeper. [i]'Oh dear, he must have come to bed. . .I really should be more quiet'[/i] The water settles low around his waist and he smiles gently up at the young man before shaking a but more water from his hair. Not waiting for Shigetoshi to ask him the inevitable, Tatsuki moves closer to where the innkeeper is standing and crosses his arms loosely across his lower chest. “Forgive me Shigetoshi-kun. I did not mean to intrude. I overhead the girls, and then they tried to visit me. . .Repeatedly. . .So I was a bit too wired to get to sleep. I would have gone to the other spring, but. . .” He waves his hand in a 'You know how that could go' fashion before bringing it back up to settle on the other arm once more. His eyes scan over the young man's body, reading the tension laced through his system. With a warm inviting smile he crouches down and lets his arms float on the water's surface. His smile becomes a knowing one and he jerks his head back in a 'come on over' fashion. “You looks stressed too Shigetoshi-kun. Perhaps you should take a dip to relax as well.” Tatsuki knows he's should get out, him being in a place he knows he shouldn't be, but his curiosity gets the better of him and he waits for the young man to either accept his proposal, or tell him to get out.