Viltez's head snaps around with a wide smile when Aryx agrees to take him hunting. He resists the urge to bounce up and down like a puppy waiting for it's mater to throw a stick. [i]'I'm both excited and nervous. Hunters go in daily, but I think if we go deep enough we should be okay, and no one will be around to see my tail, I just hope I don't get in the way. I wonder what he hunts with, I don't think there are many weapons that would fit into that satchel of his. . .'[/i] “Raw is good. I've got a lot to do today and the sooner I get to it, the sooner I'll get done.” he says with a smile as Aryx moves off to where he left his bag. Taking the opportunity to change he's just making sure his tail is wrapped when his guest comes back. He smiles lightly, doing his best to not blush as he holds up his shirt chest high to make sure it doesn't get in the way, and so that he can see the appendage properly. Once it's in place he hooks his tail in and drops his shirt down. After making sure it's in place he gratefully accepts the fruit offered him with a smile and begins eating. His tongue darts out to lick his fingers, trying not to make too much of a mess as he eats the sticky mass. “I don't know if you have anything planned today, but if not you are more than welcome to follow me in my chores.” He shakes his head slightly. “Or if that's too boring, the town has a couple shops with stuff like the things you keep in you hair that you may like. The town is kinda small, and there's not much to do, but . . .” He doesn't really know what else to say about it. The town is small, there isn't much to do in it, but if he likes drinking at least he'd have something to do. The tavern has games and company, but for some reason Viltez doesn't see his guest as a tavern goer.