Hi-Voltage twitched as a group of 'heroes' seated close to him all began laughing. The laughter was fine, he didn't have anything against laughing, in fact he generally encouraged laughing. The only problem was that the source of their laughter seemed to be a raven haired girl sitting on a bench across from them. She seemed to be taking it hard, which only increased their amusement. [i]So this is the brave and the bold, the world's newest and greatest protectors huh? Nothing better than bullies, getting their kicks outta teasing that poor lassie. Can't say I'm too impressed.[/I] The Lightning-slinger found his ire building, the groups attitude wearing on his already worn nerves. Truth be told, even when he was younger he hadn't been a big fan of bullies. Not that he did much about it back then, as keen as he was too keep his head down and keep outta trouble in school. Now though, now he had powers, and as Daniel had been so ready to teach him if you had the power to help someone then you had an obligation to do it. Volt had been slow to learn that lesson, but he was proud to say he was a pretty strong proponent of Daniel's philosophy now. He left his position of solitude, striking out for the bench in question, coming quickly to the girls side. She was pretty, in a delicate sorta way, but her looks were detracted by the fact that she seemed to be in the process of shovelling enough pasta down her gullet to choke a horse. [I] Wouldn't have thought a girl your size could put all that away, but there we have it. He faked a cough to grab her attention, chastising himself at how cliché that was.[/I] "Afternoon Miss," he opened, just a hint of his Scottish accent making itself apparent "Name's Hi-Voltage, but most people just like to call me Volt, mainly on account of how ridiculous it is to have to call someone Hi-Voltage. Mind if I sit?" he gestured to the seat next to her with an easy smile. There was plenty of empty chairs around the room, so she was free to tell him to feck off and mind his own business if she wanted, but he reckoned she looked like she could use a friendly face. He had thought about dealing with the problem more directly (his old man woulda championed that choice, but then he was a savage at heart) but Volt imagined be-friending her was a better option than frying her tormenters. [i]After all, Zenith probably imagined this to be a friendly gathering, and I don't want to be perpetuating the stereotype of violent Scotsmen.[/I]