[quote=Destinyfailhorror17] Hey Nk me and Liferusher had a little chat about this and we're okay with the whole Cyber click thing. [/quote] Oh, okay. I wasn't exactly informed about it (maybe I missed it somewhere in my huge stash of Private Messages), but as long as it's planned with you guys, I'm okay with it. :D --- [quote=Theobromine] Yes, it's so important that I have spammed most of the "fancy" features available on this site and hit caps lock on my computer. In fact, to make sure no one misses this, I really want people to quote this message if you notice that there's a lot of posts after this one and people may potentially miss it.So... Because things have been a little slow and I've been craving that energy we all used to have at the beginning of this RP when we were all ninja-ing each other as we rushed to get our posts in during the welcome party IC, I thought we should do exactly that in real time. Meaning... A .Yes, I want to attempt this and see if we can do it. A bunch of us should gather at an EtherPad and make a gigantic collab post about the Beach Olympics.I know I'm not the GM or co-GM, but hey, I can be forgiven for something like this right? xPThat said, I know that a lot of us have different time zones and busy schedules, making it hard for all of us to be on at the same time. So... To get the best time to organize this, I want everyone to just give an idea of when you will be available and when you definitely wouldn't be able to make it.As an example, here is my 'schedule': I am free essentially all day tomorrow. Next week I'll be quite busy from Monday~Wednesday. After that I can probably arrange to stay up as long as possible for one day to match everyone else's schedule from then on sometime during the week. [/quote] I'll be getting up an Etherpad soon, but make sure to not exit it just because no one's there. We should all slowly try to reach out and grab each others' clammy hands and- Basically, I'm a-okay with the idea! I've been feeling demotivated because I'm sorta lost on what to do as a Co-GM (I don't want to affect the current plot we have planned out either), and things like this would certainly kick up that writing spirit within me. EDIT: I'll give feedback on liferusher's character as soon as I get this private crap done.