Shigetoshi would have preferred the monkeys. He would have really, really preferred that. At least his robe kept his decent. Bit it still was running through his brain. And at least Tatsuki was emerged so nothing inopportune was showing. Shigetoshi roughly pulled his thoughts out of the gutter. He tried to focus on what the young guest was saying but he only caught the last part about joining. Shigetoshi pinched the bridge of his nose. And now he was hearing Tatsuki say what he probably wasn't. Ancestors he needed to get a hold of himself. After all, if he did join Tatsuki, it would be a very long night. "How did you get in here?" Shigetoshi asks instead. The only entrance other than scaling the wooden walls was through his room. Shigetoshi really hoped it wasn't through his room. Because he wouldn't know how to handle that. Not that he was handling anything very well lately. But there were guests to serve and with those guests the Inn would close and Shigetoshi wouldn't be able to feed himself. So no matter what he felt he had to keep his guests happy. "And did you just invite me in?" He couldn't help the second half of his thought coming out. He even dropped his hand to Tatsuki's reaction. [i]Please[/i], he thought, [i]let me have misheard and have him laugh at me or get upset, or something. Because if he asks again I'm not going to say no.[/i] The sounds of the night seemed louder than usual to the young man as he stood there waiting for an answer.