The elven woman attached a curved dagger to her waist and led the mercenaries out the door and into the clearing at the base of the tower. The grass was soft beneath her bare feet and the sun shone down gloriously from it's perch atop the azure sky. The sun's rays gleamed off of her long blond tresses, looking very much like burnished gold. The brilliant sun also shone through her ebony silks, revealing slender limbs that were only half visible in the murky primitive lamplight of the tower's interior. "A Hydra," the sorceress explained, "is a large lizard that can often grow as massive as a small castle. It possesses anywhere up to nine heads and can grow two in its place should you behead one. Some have even been known to breath fire. Being a lizard they are drawn to warmth and love to lounge on hot rocks. One may have been drawn to the wreckage of your sky bird. "Come, the sky bird is this way."