The Ball With Raelyn gone, it fell to Aggrippa to go the all-important ball at Knightcliff. Being the only one who could actually attend, it fell to him to represent the city of Orsini, and to persuade his foes not to attack - a list that now included the fabled Greenskins, since Raelyn's mission had clearly failed. He was not alone, however, although whether his ally would help him or hinder him was yet to be seen. Occasions like this where the perfect time to meet nobles and monarchs, and to establish healthy, cordial relations - or slip some cantarella into a rival's drink, or a stiletto in an enemy's back. His race had been referred to by many odd titles, such as "those winged bastards" and "chicken-people". It seemed racism was alive and well, and his presence was bound to cause a stir. As of such, precautions had been taken - a small vial of Gunus Depoisoner, a powerful anti-venom, was in his pocket, he had taken to wearing ceremonial, yet stab-proof armour, he had brought along his sword. But ultimately, his best protection was sitting opposite him in his carriage - Lyra. Lyra was a true rarity. Uniquely amongst her own people, Lyra suffered from heterochromia iridium - at least, that's what Aggrippa called it. What it meant was that her eyes were two different colours. One was a bright teal colour, the other a dull golden tone. As if this didn't make her stand out enough, the golden-coloured eye never seemed to point straight, instead pointing in a variety of directions whilst her teal one looked wherever she wanted it to look. If she focused, she could straighten the golden eye, but it invariably started wandering the second she thought of something else. She wasn't necessarily big, nor was she strong, but Aggrippa felt far safer in her company than he did anyone else's. They had been friends for as long as he could remember, despite the fact he was twenty years older than her. And whilst she was being ostracised for her unusual eye conditions and less-than-attentive nature, Aggrippa had always treated her as an equal. It seemed fitting that she should come with him. He wouldn't feel right leaving her behind. As the carriage pulled up to the venue, neither Lyra or Aggrippa could hold back gasps of wonder. It was stunning. They had seen some very nice architecture on the way here, but this topped the lot. The craftsmanship was exquisite, far greater than that of Orsini. Mind you, the buildings of Orsini are built with practicality rather than aesthetics in mind. Not to say they are all ugly, but the end up looking rather... plain. It was nice to see something a little grander than usual. The carriage stopped just outside the entrance to the ball, and there were suddenly butterflies in Aggrippa's stomach. Would someone really try to kill him in front of all these others? If so, would his precautions be enough? "Are you sure you want to do this? It could be scary." He warned, his eyes flicking over to his blonde bodyguard. She countered his glance with a stare of her own. "And watch you have all the fun? Yeah, right." Lyra giggled. "Let's do this" As the two entered, side by side, the first thing they noticed was how few people were there. They must have been early. Yet even in these early stages, they couldn't avoid the stares of some of the others already there. "Remember, they'll be looking at your wings, not your eyes" Aggrippa whispered "Thanks. That makes me feel much better" Lyra's voiced dripped sarcasm. "Don't worry. A bunch of weird creatures will show up. We'll soon be forgotten" "Weirder than us? I doubt it" The scientist could only grin in response. It was true. "Well, shall we find our host? I bet he'll be glad to finally meet a real Seraph..."