Tatsuki watches as his tensions rises, but keeps his smile warm and inviting. He chuckles lightly. “I have my ways of getting around Shigetoshi-kun. Don't worry, I did not trespass into your private quarters. The spring and your room are two completely different matters, and I know both are off limits, but I pray you will not hold this little intrusion against me. . .” His lets his eyes fall, the moon on the water catching his attention as his breathing causes the image to waver ever so slightly. Ducking even further into the water he pushes back slightly, letting the water take him as he rolls on to his stomach and he does a few light breast strokes around the pool. Stopping at the far edge he once more turns to look as the young innkeeper, this time motioning with his hand. “Come Shigetoshi-kun. I really think the hot water would do you some good. You've been tense all evening. Ever since, we talked at dinner. . .” His eye fall once more to the water as he wonders just what the young man thinks he does for a living. Wondering further if this will be the end of his vacation. [i]'If he really is upset because of me, I could leave tonight and just come back when my assignment is due. I've no real reason to stay, save for my own piece of mind. . .[/i] Sitting down on a rock on the far end from Shigetoshi he crosses his legs and plays gently with the water while he waits. His lower half is still beneath the water, but the knee of his top leg makes a neat little peak in the still water.