Shin stopped pacing about in the shade and set off to scout around through the crowd. Alk of this waiting around had made him rather restless. He wasn't normally this impatient, but the sheer concentration of superpowered freaks had him on edge. At the very least, he could start his reconnaissance early. Many of these "heroes" were all too eager to show off or brag about their meager powers, making them easy to size up. He wondered how their generation had grown naive enough to think that such actions were sensible. The wise hawk hid its claws, after all. A few he had managed to spy in the crowd included a self-proclaimed spider-themed girl, with abilities that she then demonstrated. Shin could already see himself squashing her like a bug if she got in his way. Others only mentioned their names, but that told enough; Hi-Voltage for instance. Didn't take a genius to figure out his game. He listened in on a pair of apparent magicians. Sorcerers and Witches he mistrusted, especially these foolishly confident ones that even gave out their true names freely. Magic was inherently dangerous, and those that underestimated it were often unstable. A somewhat familiar sight caught his eye, and Shin pushed through the crowd to get a better look. A man in street clothes and a mask of clearly oriental design. He introduced himself as Wenchang, Chinese god of wisdom if Shin remembered correctly. The presence of another Eastern man intrigued Shin, and so he stood some distance from the man, listening in on his conversation with some little girl that he had zero interest in.