Name: Rahab/Gwyndolynn Species: Duke (Warrior Devil) Appearance: [hider=Natural Form][img=] The "natural" form of this being is mostly humanoid and androgynous in shape, though standing more than a head taller than the tallest humans. It is clad from head to toe in imposing and ornate armor, with designs far more detailed than would be practical to create or use, were this suit created by any mortal artisan and forged of any ordinary metal. Though one might expect it to evoke the burning fires of hell, the armor bears a nearly pitch black sheen, a cold, greyish-blue hue to it when in direct light. All this is framed by a pair of massive, silvery angelic wings that curl over the Duke's shoulders like a cloak when folded. A mix of prowess and regal bearing mingle in the bearing of this sleek warrior shape. None of the flesh beneath the armor is on display, and even the creature's head is concealed by a winged helm, decorated with designs that mimic a mask of sorts, its features bemused, almost smug, yet made sinister by the sharp cut of the mask's shape and features, the only sign that there was indeed a body encased in the armor, was the occasional rise of a faint azure glow from the eye slits. [/hider] [hider=Human Form] [img=] By contrast, however, among humans this creature takes a decidedly different shape. Whereas the Duke persona is anything but subtle, when disguised among humans, the demon takes on the shape of a young woman, tomboyish and lighthearted in demeanor and appearance, possessed of smooth, yet angular features and pale skin, crowned by neck-length raven hair. As the natural form, this one too, is possessed of piercing azure eyes. [/hider] Age: 3241 Gear: [img=] Temperance: A massive two-handed sword gifted to Rahab upon his defection from the Hellish host, it is a point of pride and shame for the warrior devil, a nearly unbreakable arm, capable of cutting the hardest of defenses either angels or devils are capable of bringing to bear against it. It is a tool of great power, often used sparingly by the reformed Duke, as he is far less inclined to lunge into battle as once may have been. His suit of armor constantly adorns Rahab's body when he is in his natural shape, it is practically an extension of his own flesh, embodying his nature as a creature of battle and war. While nothing overtly magical is noticeable about this suit, it is naturally superior to anything mortals could forge or create in terms of protection , likely capable of shrugging off the worst of their weaponry and more than enough of any supernatural attack. It hardly makes its wearer invulnerable, however. In his human shape, in the persona of Gwyndolynn, she prefers casual wear, comfortable shoes, tops, jeans and jackets in many variable combinations of colors and styles, but typically laidback in theme. He is more than capable of wielding Temperance in this shape, about as effectively. Whether or not it is this body under the armor once it is donned and his wings spread is anyone's guess. Powers: Rahab is possessed of inhuman physical might, more than capable of simply overpowering most of his peers in either shape he's taken. His blood has a mercurial appearance, and has strong enough venomous properties that it can debilitate, or even outright kill. Often he uses his own wounds to coat his weapon in it. As a one-time devil of immense pride and influence, he is capable of extending his presence to a supernatural level, inspiring fear or courage to those around him. Other: Chocolate. With chocolate chips. And chocolate syrup. You know, chocolate - it's good.