Wes continued walking the streets after the event with the two reapers attached to a building. Although it only been a few days Wes was still a bit confused around the city as to where to go “A place where a bunch of conduits hang out would be great, but they’re not as noticeable if their just walking around casually like me.” Wes said muttering to himself. Some time had pass as he explored the city when he suddenly saw some guy instantly appearing a couple feet away from him. Surprised by the man’s sudden appearance, Wes quickly stepped back just to make sure if was about to be mugged or not by the conduit. Safe to say, Wes wasn’t going to be mugged, but the conduit began walking away as Wes began thinking that this conduit could lead him to others. So after following the conduit from a distant, he went into some store which was a coffee shop when Wes arrived, saw the man seated inside with other people who Wes thought could also be potential conduits and decided to go inside and seat a chair away from guy.