Sayto had indeed fallen for the trap hook line and sinker. He paused whilst inside of her cage of jagged spiked crystals, while it was possible for him to lightning step out of here, he had a much better idea. Not only would he use the power needed, but he'd pour the rest of his magic energy into a single Lightning Pillar and use it to take down this woman with one thunderous blast... There was a dust that seemed to be surrounding him, shielding him from view for the moment... Good, then he'd get started. A thick dust, no movement... And then, the pressure of an immense amount of magic power began to build from within the cage where Sayto now stood. It was as though floodgates were being let open, first a small amount which grew extremely quickly, all of the wizard's magic reserves were being poured into a single shot. The mere pressure of the amount of magic power Sayto was giving off was enough to crack the cage in which he found himself. "You just insist on getting in the way don't you?" He spoke through gritted teeth "Alright then." he said as his magic power seemed to peak. "Lightning Pillar!" And then from the heavens came an enormous black lightning bolt, FAR larger than anything Sayto had fired yet. It struck down with the fury of a thunderstorm, but all at once. This massive bolt of lightning shot straight for Victoria, Sayto's "Captor" who had cast this prism spell. This particular bolt of lightning was far greater than an average bolt and would likely cause extremely severe damage if taken directly. Knowing this Sayto deliberately aimed the bolt slightly away from Victoria, his goal wasn't to kill these people, just to test them. thunder roared for miles on end from this massive lightning bolt, windows in the nearby buildings, along with Sayto's crystal prison were shattered from the immense noise. And Sayto, having lost so much magic power due to this final shot, collapsed backwards into the pile of broken crystals and only noticed the pain of the crystals digging into his back for a moment before blacking out...