Kijani stayed quiet as Feather spoke, stopping and starting and thinking hard. She picked up more vital information from the girl's ramble than she'd expected. So, Master Vinegar was an injured veteran, and a homebody. Wanted to be left alone, and didn't like this Mr. Bandleman much. Kijani wondered if there was a reason for that- as a soldier Mr Vinegar would have seen plenty of the world. Mostly the worst parts. If he didn't like Mr. Bandleman, then maybe he'd recognized something in the salesman that he distrusted... She couldn't help but smile at Feather's innocence, even though her mother's suggestion made her own ears a bit red. Imagine, a mother telling a daughter to give herself away to a stranger... how awful! She found herself very glad for Feather's simple misunderstanding- that meant the poor girl could be safe. Kijani felt her stomach go cold, and twist with nausea. Even without her being willing, a man could take what he wanted from a woman and no one could be the wiser... Alderman Brown's wheezing caught her attention and drew her from her memory. She smiled politely and showed happiness at being taken in. She was good at the upturning of lips, but any smart soul who caught her eye would see the depth of the trouble within. But she stepped down carefully from the carriage, smoothing her skirt and looking to the Alderman. “Thank you, sir, for everything you've done. I promise you'll be well rewarded. Come along, miss Feather.” She gestured and smiled to Feather. “Let's go meet our host.” She squared her shoulders and started walking toward the house.