Aiden was in his cell reading a book when one of the staff members opened up the door. "Aiden, someone new is arriving today. I know we don't ever have any problems but we are still aware of your condition. So please, act accordingly." the nurse said. "Of course" I said looking up from my book. I closed the pages to the novel I was reading. 'Do Nothing and Do Everything: An Illustrated New Taoism'. I had played my part well, in order to get out of this place I had to behave. Unfortunately they knew too well about my condition, of course they were the doctors not I. Of all the time I've spent in here I've grown accustomed to it, not forgetting my goal of freedom but rather making the best of my surroundings. I've also learned about the other patients here. Most weren't like me though. My problem was a lack of morality. No moral compass telling me what to do and what not to do. Nothing holding me back from my true potential. Of course this didn't make me a murderer, or a rapist, but rather an opportunist who could grasp any opportunity no matter the consequence. In order to keep up good appearances I would go to the common area where they would bring in the new patient. I set my book down and left my room, heading towards the commons room. Once I got there I saw two others who were somewhat notable. Esther, from what I've found she's bipolar, and she likes to color with crayola crayons. Then there was Zack, sometimes known as Griffin. He had multiple personality disorder. Both I like to consider much different from myself. In fact I'd like to believe that I don't have a mental illness, but rather freedom. The world was my playground, but how could I play in it if I was locked up here. And how could I ever be released when what I have, or more so what I lack, is incurable. I took a seat that was slightly away from everyone else so that I could observe. As I sit there I notice it is awfully quiet. Awkwardly quiet in fact. What to say, what to say. Esther was coloring, as usual. And Zack, or Griffin, looked as if he had just been examined my the doctors... Quite thoroughly. It wouldn't be much sense to break an awkward silence with an even more awkward conversation of this poor man's condition, so it would probably be best to see what Esther was coloring. In some ways Esther reminded me of myself. Always so polite and proper, except for certain episodes she has had while here. I stood up from my seat and took a new seat across the table from Esther, examining her coloring. She loved to color, and always did such a great job at it. Her colorful drawings were a nice change from these colorless walls we were stuck in. "So Esther, what are you coloring now?" I asked with intrigue, hoping to strike up a friendly conversation.