[b]Name:[/b] Raina Rye [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Raina Rye][URL=http://media.photobucket.com/user/kumiko-chan14/media/fighterblondeanimegirl.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1144.photobucket.com/albums/o490/kumiko-chan14/fighterblondeanimegirl.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Raina Rye is a very straightforward girl who often speaks her mind without thinking of the consequences. Honest to a fault, she has almost no concept of lying or misdirection and can therefore be incredibly naïve, believing pretty much anything at first. While easily tricked still she is one of the most loyal friends around and you can be sure to believe anything she says and even if she did somehow tell a falsehood you could easily tell if she wasn’t telling the truth. Raina is loyal to a fault but certainly not the most tactful of persons. She can also be considered as quite a tomboy and is not exactly known for girlish tendencies. Raina is quite athletic and likes practicing mixed martial arts, fencing, horseback riding, climbing, and other athletic activities all in her very blunt and straightforward manner. Ready to tackle all challenges head-on, be it physical or mental, Raina is more than ready to charge headlong into battle, which however may not be exactly suited to her talents… [b]Hopes and Dreams~:[/b] Raina Rye has a dream of becoming someone who can make a positive difference in the world and help fix things. [b]Equipment:[/b] [i]Duct Tape[/i], because you never know when you’ll need to fix something. [i]Bandages[/i], when you’re as straightforward as Adeline you just know you’re going to get hurt sooner or later. Running Shoes, for those times you just want to exercise or shave off a little time. [b]History:[/b] Raina Rye grew up at first in a very well put together home with a loving father and mother. She wanted for nothing for the first few years of her life; however, this lifestyle would be changed because of a very particular incident which would drastically affect her life and personality, though her passion for the outdoors and physical activities would stay the same. Her father was actually a very prominent politician who was at the top of his career but when she was 8 years old a terrible event occurred. Her father was caught committing fraud and had been constantly lying throughout his campaigns and to the people. Her father’s true nature had been exposed, a side of which she had not even known. Very quickly her father’s career crumbled and their family lost most of their possessions. Raina Rye found herself suddenly living in very modest accommodations with little in the way of luxury. Disgraced, her father tried other ways to make a living but just could not seem to keep an honest job and soon her mother divorced him, and she went to live with her mother. The whole ordeal strongly impacted her and she became completely ‘allergic’, so to speak, to lying and decided then and there that she would never lie or fib so she could never hurt anyone like her father had hurt so many during his political career. This ‘allergy’ to lying also seemed to make it so that Raina could no longer tell when other people were lying and so believes what people say pretty much all the time. It is unsure of if she has lost the ability to perceive untruths or if her psyche, being so traumatized by her father, has refused to admit to the possibility that people are lying. Due to her social ‘handicap’ she can find it hard to make and keep friends since her all truth approach can really put people off. Seeing her daughter change so much, and also hoping that Raina could learn to be more lady-like in an all girls school decided to apply Raina to Hinamizawa Academy. Her mother actually had not expected Raina to be accepted and so was greatly surprised when she was, of course not realizing the true reason behind the academy’s existence. Raina was quickly whisked off to Hinamizawa Academy and frankly did not care what would happen at the school, as long as she could play and participate in athletic endeavors. Of course she had no idea just how much physical and mental work she would have to put in to be a magical girl. [b]Soul Color:[/b] Indigo [b]Magical Girl Appearance:[/b] [hider=Uniform][URL=http://media.photobucket.com/user/UKNOWTHEIROUTTHEIR/media/Anime/211827132248.jpg.html][IMG]http://i992.photobucket.com/albums/af45/UKNOWTHEIROUTTHEIR/Anime/211827132248.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] [b]Nickname:[/b] Rainy [b]Magic:[/b] For a girl with such a straightforward personality Raina was gifted with quite an indirect magic. Clad in black and flowing clothes Raina finds herself wrapped in cloth and chains. Raina is able to control and manipulate her clothing and chains as if it was a part of her body, responding to her mental commands there seems to be almost limitless ways to use her magic; however Raina has taken toward using it in a rather straightforward manner. Raina tends to wrap the chains around her hands and feet in order to give herself greater attack power to her magical punches and kicks. While this method does have the desired effect the fact of the matter is that she could easily use her magic in much more efficient ways but because of her straightforward personality she seems inflexible in her thinking. Why does her magical girl form and powers seem so different from her personality? Could it be that her magical powers are actually showing more of her true self than even Raina herself knows? These are questions to be answered.