Azazel rubs her eyes in irritation as the engineers of Red Sanctuary's repair bay give her an estimate for repairs... And the cost of parts. She looks to Xen for help and he just shrugs. With huff, Azazel rolls her shoulders and sighs. Meanwhile Bezol snorts, “Looks like you're stuck takin' some other rig, huh, princess?” Azazel tenses at the remark. What was she thinking, adding Bezol to her officers. It was always snark and insolence from her. Xen gives a surprised look before giving a wavering gesture of his hand, “It is not so bad. And we can see about that new reactor we need to power the weaponry while we are at it. Any additional upgrades as well, I suppose.” Azazel nods slowly and looks at the dock shipped with a grimace. “Yes, I suppose. Do you have any leads on that?” Xen hesitates before looking away, clearing his throat, “I am afraid not. It would take some time, searching the markets and setting up an exchange. You had other wishes as well?” Azazel scrunches up her nose, “Indeed, but I wonder if Gra'tua may be the best route to acquire such an item... Or at least get a lead as to where we may find these gauntlets... They are mandalorian, after all... And yet, remember old dear Gustav? He was a collector of sorts. Perhaps he...” Xen shrugs, “Very well, but much of this will take time. We have the spies out, the bounty hunters are down and the orders have proven little help. I feel this matter with Jehemath may be far more troublesome, understand...” Azazel nods, crossing her arms and gnashing her teeth, “Contact the smugglers. They may be of use in procuring one or the other. As well, yes, Gustav at least. I would rather not have to bother Gra'tua at this time... When we have attended to these trivial matters, I would like to contact this Jehemath for myself and arrange a meeting. I would rather not land on his doorstep uninvited and suddenly find ourselves against questionable odds.” Bezol snorts, leaning back in her chair and kicking her feet up, “Please. That's when it's the most fun! Just let me take out Tannus' fighter for a few... It'll be fine! I'll shoot down the front-gates, kill the defenses and you can just waltz right in.” Azazel gives her a cool look, “Quite full of yourself, are you not?” Bezol purses her lips, looking down and patting a hand over her midsection, poking and prodding tentatively. “I sure hope so, otherwise I have a few things to say to those medics of yours.” Azazel appears amused for the briefest of moments before waving a hand, “Well, dismissed for now. Xen and I have work.” --- Xen clears his throat, approaching behind Azazel as she repeatedly thumps her head against a console. “Uhm?” Azazel looks up and gestures, exhausted, at the display “The Network is failing me yet again. It seems Zarra is quite elusive... And the smugglers have no leads as of now, either. It is proving frustrating. All these contacts, but not a single one is proving [i]useful[/i].” Xen hesitates for a moment, obviously mulling over and realizing that they seemed to be slacking of late. Maybe they were still bitter that their attempts at unionizing were less than fruitful over the last year. “Perhaps, but I have found some information myself from your old friend.” Azazel hesitates, surprised, “Truly? So soon?” Xen nods and offers over a datapad, “Yes, it would seem so. Given our expansion throughout the Tapani Sector... And our own dealings with the... Well, filth here... I was easily able to retrieve these.” Azazel frowns, taking the datapad and scrolls over the information presented. There was little more than Xen's notations at the sides marking out various details, though she did not need them. The images were all pristine. There was Gustav, sure enough, and in the midsts of a black market transaction. Her lips curl for a moment before she nods, “Useful. Put some pressure on him. If he has the audacity to snub me for my own dealings, I am more than willing to pay him back in kind for this.” As Xen was turning to do just that, Azazel is rocked with a memory. Residual effects from the psychometry. She splutters and stands up abruptly, knocking the chair down as she looks at Xen with wide eyes, “Oh dear...” Xen pauses looking at her with confusion. She shudders and closes her eyes, the familiar character she had seen suddenly seemed far clearer now that she had been reminded of that age-riddled, albeit friendly face. Azazel holds a hand up for a pause, trying to recompose herself at this sudden revelation. She finally looks at Xen, a few shades paler than her normal pallor. “It was... Gustav. The nobleman I perceived, looking upon Zarra's personal belongings...” She frowns, crossing her arms, “Jehemath may not be to blame... It appears... Plans must change.” The Kubaz falters, trying to take in this new information, hand clicking against a hard-case upon his belt. “Then it is doubly necessary to discuss with this Gustav... If he is involved in Braghda's death, we cannot execute Jehemath for such a crime.” Azazel nods slowly, unsettled that perhaps the disgusting pig's character was just that, not any insight towards any treachery. “Yes... But...” Xen clicks open the case, popping out a vial full-up. “If it is the case, Azazel. You always have this...” Azazel frowns, recognizing the decanter from when she last saw Andrea. “The Terentatek poison... I.. Perhaps, but I would not wish...” Xen was beginning to grow irritable, “He is nothing, Azazel. He may have presented a friendly face, but he is a noble of this forsaken reach of space. They are all treacherous, venomous snakes and I have no doubt your being a Sith had anything to do with his inevitable casting you away. If anything, it ushered it on for simple fear. If anything, this is all indication to a far worse character than you believed he was.” Azazel lets her shoulders slump dejectedly, “Yes...” He runs a hand over the quills on his hand, rolling his eyes as he rocks on his heels, “So what are you planning to do about it?” Azazel looks up more resolutely, “Pay him a visit. Prepare the OS-80. Load up my officers. Yourself and Rei'ki will be going in under stealth. I will expect you to take down any security measures he may have, destroy audiovisual feeds he may have set-up, ensure no help will be coming... Rei'Ki will be your assistance... Kitt will go in with me... Bezol, I feel, would make an excellent pilot. Just in case things need shooting or we need make a faster break than expected.” Xen scrunches up his face, reluctant to trust the brazen woman with his ship, but he nods, “Very well. I suppose we need leave now to arrive at a reasonable time...” Azazel nods and waves her hand for him to go. --- As Bezol pilots the ship and Xen is studying the various passive sensor data coming in he noticed something curious, it had been more than a year that Azazel had last been to Gustav's estate, but those four towers surrounding his estate were definitely new. As were the laser cannons that were being powered slowly, which would normally not be detected but Xen did notice the power build-up. At the same time a hail was send to the shuttle and a voice spoke through. "You are approaching the estate of Gustav Arckan, you are not registered on the schedule, state your intent." Azazel gnashes her teeth as Xen provides her the information about recent upgrades and quickly moves to the intercom, tapping the button to enable the feed as she answers back, “Hello, this a friend of Gustav's who would rather remain anonymous for both Gustav's and my benefit. It is regarding some recent purchases and information most pressing. I would have scheduled an appointment, however, the normal lines of communication have been compromised. Please do power down your weapons, after all, I fear what I have to say is of vital importance and if not acted upon swiftly may lead to retaliation from organizations one is advised not to be on the bad side of.” Hatches open up and the laser cannons are now completely revealed, visible targeting the approaching shuttle and again the voice came over. "State your intent and identity or leave, now." Azazel leans in and answers, “Terrik. Tikyba Terrik, cousin and associate to Booster Terrik. I have come to talk to Gustav about his recent purchases of medical equipment. He has been sold a contaminated batch by some bumbling back-blasted pissant, and for the sake of our own image, I have been sent personally to sort this mess and establish a means for us to trade. As much as we would like to say we got the better end of this deal, I am afraid we had another buyer lined up for that equipment. Unfortunately, our other buyer caught on and had broken into our lines. Silly, but they seem to think this is all a big privateering scam meant against war efforts and that Gustav is a part of it now. We have things to clear up before they decide to come knocking on your front door. And last I remember, Gustav was not so fond of Republic dogs.” It was quiet for a moment and then the voice came back, "You may land, lower your boarding ramp upon landing and prepare to be boarded for inspection." With that the line went dead and coordinates were given, to the landing spot Azazel had been before, just beyond the gardens of the estate. The laser cannons were still targeting the shuttle through all this. Azazel looks to Xen with a growl, “You and Rei'ki hide your asses and clear the ramp as soon as those doors open. Shut down those weapons immediately. Bezol... If things start looking nasty, feel free to start shooting stuff.” She looks to Kitt, a wild grin spreading, “Ready for another adventure? It may not be sith monstrosities, but I assure you things might get nasty.” Kitt gives her a weak smile, uncertain of how to reply. Bezol though was giddy and her trigger-finger itching. Xen and Rei'Ki follow through their instructions. And as soon as they touch soil and the ramp was out, the two cleared the ramp before the welcome party could arrive. Azazel herself wraps herself in a protective layer, fingers lightly gracing over where her lightsaber was hidden in the folds of her clothes. The first thing Azazel notices when she leaves, is that the once pristine gardens she remembers are gone, they are still there but they look as if they have been ignored for months, not servants or droids moving around attending them. The only movement is a party of black armoured guards marching straight towards Azazel. Another memory stings her, a conversation with Andrea, explaining the organization and guards she encountered on Anaxes, the guards she called Black Watch who were elite soldiers who also seemed to have trained to take down force users, the very same ones that were marching towards Azazel right now. And with that very memory, she draws in and represses her force-essence with the concealment techniques, masking herself as a normal individual. She reclines back, looking at Bezol and trying to appear unconcerned. A concealed gesture to Kitt revealed her to be ready to attack on her signal. As the Black Watch comes aboard, she takes another thing she had learned from Andrea... And lets a coy smile spread across her lips, as she all but purrs “Why hello there, boys...” Kitt fights the urge to react at that very display but crosses her arms, sitting back with her malfunctioning blaster at her hip, definitely attempting to appear thug-like. The squad of ten gets aboard, making it feel rather cramped for a moment, several bringing out scanning equipment with which they start their work while their squad leader stands directly in front of Azazel. "Tikyba Terrik you say you are, very well, welcome to the Arckan Estate, my men will make sure there no hidden threats to my employer and then we can bring you to him, cooperation is mandatory, am I clear?" He says in a very no-nonsense tone of voice. Azazel nods and directs to the racks lining each walls, “Droids for a shipment after this. They're all deactivated and you can easily keep track of them from here. Hold below is empty, if you wish to check.” She hesitates for a moment before slipping out from her waistband the lightsabre and tossing it over, “Hold onto this lightstick for me, though. Its supposed to end up a gift to your employer for the mix-up. Past dealings, we figured he was into such curiosities.” She lifts her arms above her head, doing a small spin for them to see, “Pat me over if you want, boys, but I got nothing on me. My bodyguard has her blaster, she'd pass it over no problem, though. Like we said, we don't want any trouble here.” With that, she crouches down and hefts up her sword wrapped in cloth, appearing to struggle with trying to lift its weight, grunting as if she was not used to it. “Blasted primitive weapons, but was told to see if we could hock it to Gustav.” She wrinkles her nose, leaning on it now that it was standing as she scratches her nose. “Do the routine, boys. Ain't hiding nothing.” As Azazel was busying herself with the Black Watch, Rei'Ki and Xen would attempt to slip further inside Gustav's home. Primarily, they were in search of a terminal not immediately in the sight of anyone that he could remotely access and start disabling whatever flipped his fancy. Azazel sees the squad leader stiffen at the sight of the lightsaber but he makes no comment, taking the saber, looking at it and then clasps it to his belt. "Very interested curiousity." One of his men takes the sword and another asks for Kitt's blaster while a third and fourth start patting both of them down, Bezol claiming she was just the pilot and would stay there caused the others to ignore her for the most part. After the search one of them produced the flute. "A flute? Another curiousity you wish to sell my employer?" Meanwhile Xen and Rei'ki do manage to sneak into the estate, again a lack of servants that one would expect from a noble's estate are telling but do not find a terminal to access at this point in time. Azazel juts out her lower lip in a pout, “No, that's mine. I like it. Not very good at playing it, but it is enjoyable to try,” she reaches out to lightly grasp the hand in possession of her bes'bev, “I could show you, if you want. If your ears could take the torture.” A light tap to the wall indicates Rei'ki as to the direction for them to head as they continue to advance further to find a hub. He imagined Azazel must be getting antsy to have the lasers no longer locked on. Maybe then she could cut her way through like a real Sith. The squad leader looked at the flute and then handed it back, "No thanks, we'll keep the two swords though, good thing you didn't turn this thing on." He patted the lightsaber on his belt. "I've seen people get cut apart like paper with these." He gestured at two men. "They will stay here, you and that one." He gestured to Kitt, "Will be escorted to my employer." Meanwhile inside Xen and Rei'ki make their way through the estate still and then the Kubaz pauses, hearing footsteps coming from around the corner up ahead, two pair of footsteps in heavy boots. Azazel nods and slips the flute back into the sash at her waist, gesturing for the men to lead the way. However, the Kubaz further away taps his foot twice quiet enough for just the Sith to hear. Both of them press solidly back against the walls, holding as still as possible in order to preserve their concealment and keep from being brushed against by the incoming footsteps. The Squad leader took point, those that were not staying behind with the shuttle taking points around and behinf the two they were escorting to the estate. They just stopped moving as two Black Watch guards step around the corner, clearly this assignment has dulled their senses because they were loudly talking with each other and were barely looking for anything suspicious like they were meant to do while patrolling these corridors. Azazel looks curiously over the areas they walk, trying to take in every detail and see what else may have changed. “Soooo... Question, been working for Gus long? Seems like a lame gig, nobles and all. Don't see why they'd need so much muscle, but hey, what do I know. Not part of my business.” Rei'ki and Xen remain silent and still until the patrol passes before the two continue on their search, now more careful know there were to be patrols around. "They have money and that's what counts nowadays... we used to work for somebody else. But then they vanished, leaving us without a job." One of the guards respond with but quickly shut up when the squad leader looked over his shoulder at the guy. "Our employer is named Gustav Arckan, not Gus, be sure to remember that when you stand in front of him." They reached the entrance to the estate and went inside. With the patrol passed the two infiltrators continued on their way and came upon, what seemed to once been a study of some kind but was now turned in some kind of security station, with a security terminal sitting unattended on the desk. Azazel raises her hands, “Oi, no offense meant, bud.” She eyes over the group, rubbing her chin curiously, “What do blokes like you usually make figure-wise anyways, huh? Got any buddies looking for a full-time position you know of?” Xen and Rei'ki slip into the room and with a reedy whisper of “Door,” Rei'ki turns and, making sure none were coming down the hall, silently closes the door as Xen makes his way to the terminal. The room was clear for now, but it was not as if he wished to be stumbled upon in the middle of his task. As Rei'Ki takes up a position by the door, vibroblade unsheathed and ready to strike should anyone come through and see through their concealments. Xen slips out his slicing gear, though, and begins to attempt to break down the system and disable the alarms and communications. The weapons would follow, when word would be harder to travel about what was going on. The rest of the security protocols would follow if they had time. The squad leader pausses and then turns around, looking at Azazel, "You do not need to know that... and I thought you were a smuggler, in my experience smugglers rarely recruit mercenaries like ours, what game are you playing at." At the tone of voice the other Black Watch seem to keep a secure grip on their weapons. Meanwhile in the security room, Xen sets up his slicing equipment to get to wrok... when he ntoices those two foolish guards forgot to encrypt and lock out any potential intruders from the system, he had direct access right away, only needing to find the correct programs. Azazel snorts, “You don't think we need hired hands sometimes? Things have been harder to slip through lately. If you haven't noticed, war going on. Real spike in risks and demand. And its not exactly like we're the bravest of the bunch. Not everyone is ready to go in blasters blazing when the times call. Sure, we try to avoid it, but shit happens.” She looks at the closest Black Watch reaching for his weapon and coolly remarks, “Getting a little excitable there, ain't ya big guy?” Xen hums delightedly to himself at the little discovery and starts going through the programs to find what he wants, ready to shut down the entire structure. If only the poor sods were that tiny ounce stupider to have a single master button to turn everything on and off at once. The squad leader keeps staring down Azazel for a moment longer and then just turns around and continues walking, his men relaxing as they and the guests continue on their way. They now encountered some servant droids that were cleaning here and there and Azazel recognized they were headed for Gustav's study and personal library. Xen was hoping too much on a master button that he got lost for a moment in his own thoughts and completely forgot what he was doing. Azazel sighs and crosses her arms with a pout, “Can't fault a girl for being curious.” She frowns upon noticing the library and squares her shoulders, worried to be returning here. Yet, perhaps it was good. Perhaps she might have closer for the events just over a year ago. Kitt looks at her with a raised brow, shoving her hands in her pockets as she walks. Xen sighs and rubs his eyes as he tries to make an actual pass at disabling the systems. So maybe the guards were marginally better than he thought. Just the slightest bit, though. They reached the library now and two of the black watch opened the doors and then excused themselves, leaving the squad leader and one other guard still with Azazel and Kitt as they escort the guests inside. "Lord Gustav, the smuggler, Tikyba Terrik and her bodyguard are here." Gustav was on the other side of the room behind a desk, reading something and looked up, he looked older and a little bit thinner but it was still him Azazel could see and he stood up. "Ah yes, I admit I was surprised when I heard one of you people returned and...." He trailed off blinking as he looked at his guest, eyes widening. "AZAZEL!?" He had gone pale and looked with a mixture of shock and surprise. Which was reason enough for the squad leader and his fellow guard to raise their blasters and aim them at Azazel and Kitt. Xen had found the communications subroutines and programs but had some trouble finding a correct way to disable them without anyone noticing. Azazel mocks equal surprise, hand raising to her mouth as she gasps, “Gustav?! OH DEAR GUSTAV!” She lets her hands drop and looks at the blasters pointed at her, “I'm here to talk, because there is a little prick now thinking he can boss around my people as if I am working for him and not in fact the other way around. Braghda now lays dead. And some bitch has been dodging my people across the Galaxy. Talk to me, tell me the truth. I thought we were friends once.” Her eyes focus on the squad leader, “I was not joking about the sabre being a gift. Pass it along to Gustav if you wish. I will make no attempts to retrieve it, ignite it or otherwise.” Kitt tenses, fear initially passing through her, knowing her personal shield would be too easily overloaded with all these trained guns on her and Azazel., but this was what she had been training for. Surely she could give Azazel a chance. Xen takes a slow, deep breath, refocusing his thoughts and attempting to remember the basic byspassing techniques. Sith tombs did not have a high demand for slicing, as he remembered, and so he must have gotten rusty since his break into CorSec's holding facility. The squad leader did not move, "Is she a force user sir?" Gustav was just staring at Azazel, no sign he had even heard and then the squad leader shouted it again, this time Gustav responded with a small nod, in response the squad leader activated a comm and rapidly spoke. "Threat high, bring the lizard." A reply came and he nodded slowly. "Any sudden move and we will fire." He slowly moved to Gustav, his eyes and blaster trained on Azazel the entire time and without looking placed the lightsaber on the desk, in front of the noble who finally came a little to his senses and quickly shook his head and blinked. "I... you... lady Azazel, what, why are you here?" Xen still had no luck and froze as a communication came over the line, something about a lizard being fetched? Azazel sighs and looks at the ceiling, “Listen, this is always fun to deal with, do not get me wrong. But I really have no intentions of risking my or my child's life here.” She looks back down, gaze shifting over those present, “This lizard. The kind that seals off force capabilities about it, I presume? Very well. As soon as it is here, though, I would expect that being incapable of using such powers and being unarmed, you might be so kind as to [i]point those guns away from me[/i].” Uncomfortably, she takes a deep breath and focuses upon Gustav, “Gustav, I am concerned. You do not look well, old friend. What troubles you? Is it me? Did I leave you so fearful? Or is there more going on? I have seen you dealing with shady characters. You look pale and thin, not the jolly plump man I once knew. You have defenses raised and your once... oh so beautiful garden... This is not the man I remember who was merry, kind and charming.” Xen shudders and looks over the controls, hand wavering for a time over the input keys before he closes his eyes. He could do this. He knew this. Sure, it was luck just now that the feeds were still on... Now, they needed to go off, though. Meanwhile, back on the OS-80 Bezol looks over the two men before sighing and resting back growing bored. “Either of you two up for a game of Pazaak?” Gustav winces when his garden comes up and he looks even more tired than before. Sinking down in his chair with a sigh and shudder. "I... its has been a very exhausted and dangerous few months... which started out to be a exciting year turned to danger too quick for my taste. Heh." He smiled a little before he became more somber against, clasping his hands together and looking at Azazel over the top of his interlocked hands. "A... child? You are with child?" His eyes went to her stomach and then back up at her face. "Ah, ahum, congratulations?" The squad leader let out a snort. "Sir, concentration." Gustav blinked and nodded, "Yes, yes of course... No it isn't you, you..." He smiled again and let out a chuckle. "You actually caused all this somewhat you know, my situation... it was an... eye-opener after being so blind for so long. I thank you for that, but what brings you to my estate... under a false name? Have you come to kill me perhaps?" He asked calmly, as if resigned of that fact. Xen still was not having any luck and wondered why this security system was like a maze to him. Back on the shuttle the two men look at each other and then back at Bezol, saying nothing. Azazel shifts on her feet, carefully watching those blasters pointed on her, “Initially, that was the thought, but I have changed my mind. I do not with push a desperate man who has already been driven so far by trying times.” She purses her lips before nodding, “As far as the pseudonym, I doubt you would have seen me were I to introduce myself. We were quite able to see you were already readying to shoot our ship from the sky. I would not have so readily intruded upon your estate after our last discussion if I was not deeply troubled by events. I am sure you know much of Braghda and her nephew Jehemath. After all, the woman Jehemath so readily tried to send [i]my second-in-command[/i] off to kill as if some lapdog, had been in contact with you. I know this due to my talents. Last I was aware, though, Zarra was alive and well. She even heavily injured a few of my trackers who intended to bring her to me so that we might talk. She is... Rather elusive. Expertly so. But that still does not give me answers.” Azazel balls her hand into small fists, “A woman who was my ally has been killed, that much I am sure of. I have two potential suspects now given what I have seen. Either this Jehemath has grown greedy and sought to rise to power through the ashes of his aunt, or you, through Zarra, saw her dead for one end or another. I understand such plays are not uncommon in this forsaken sector, but I need know what connection you have with [i]my[/i] order of lorekeepers and why the leader of them is now a man who is so [i]petulant[/i], he brings out the worst of venom from my disciples.” With a sigh, she shakes her head though, “I just need to know your part in all this. I need to know what is going on with the Mecrossa Order.” She bites her lip, taking a very slow, tentative step forward. “So please, tell me what is going on, because it is troubling to see you with guards of The Black Watch upon your estate, that you have been dealing in the blackmarket, and that you appear to weary. Let me share this burden, Gustav. I will try in earnest to see what I might do to help you, because I do feel in part responsible for your most recent misfortune...” Meanwhile, Xen glares at the terminal, trying to take a different approach. Perhaps the watch here was using a cipher... Yes, certainly. [i]That[/i] was why he could not so much as open a blasted program in an unlocked terminal! Rei'Ki looks in the shimmering spot of where Xen lay hidden, letting her concealment slip just enough to give him a look that was riddled with impatience and disbelief. How he could be taking so long was beyond her, still, “Just kill the weapons and break the system so they can't restore it. We don't have time for this. Bezol needs to be able to release the droids and we need to be able to help Azazel.” Xen grunts and shakes his head even though he could not be seen, “No can do. I don't want to be setting off alarms...” Rei'Ki gives an exasperated whine and draws her concealment thick about her form once more, shifting into a more comfortable position to wait. Bezol however was beyond waiting, “Look, just a quick rounds. I'm a pilot. If you're inside the blasted ship, I can't do too much.” She stretches out and lets her boots thump heavily against the steel tile as she slips a deck out from a pocket and begins to shuffle it. “Quick game or two. I'd even say make this worth while with a fun wager.” In her mind, though, she was trying to remember the activation tones Xen was so keen on for situations like that. If the towers didn't get to her first, these goons would be quick to finish the job if she did anything. Gustav was silent, taking it all in what Azazel just said and then cleared his throat. "So... you do admit coming her to initially kill me? Because you believed I had killed Braghda? You were not coming here under orders of that oaf?" He leaned back in his chair. "You actually want to... avenge Braghda?" He rose a eyebrow, "I heard she was killed in a skiing accident, you are telling me you have proof of murder instead?" He asked with strange tone of voice. Xen was still having all of no luck finding what he needed, Rei'Ki however, heard the approaching voices and footsteps of those two idiot guards, apparently they were finishing their patrol route. Azazel nods, “I recovered Zarra's weapons. It revealed... Some things to me. Her killing someone by stabbing them through the heart... Her running as if someone's target. And then talking to you. You offered her some relief with your words.” Azazel looks at an empty seat with longing to sit back and relax. “However, rest assured. I am under no one's orders. I follow no one.” She sighs, “I had been told much the same, though. That Braghda had died in a skiing accident, but it does not match up. So, of course, I need information. You have it. Regardless, if someone killed someone in my service, then certainly there will be hell to pay. So what did you say to Zarra and what was your connection with her?” Xen makes one final pass as Rei'Ki poises herself, ready to act as soon as the doors open. She would destroy them both in a single motion, before they even knew there was anyone present. "I see." Gustav replied, "Yes I know Zarra, she came to me..." He smiled softly, "She was in trouble and had nowhere else to go but the one she trusted the most in her family." He allowed Azazel that tidbit of information to sink in at the same time as another Black Watch entered the room with a harness on his back with a lizard and at once Azazel felt her connection to the force vanish, at a nod of Gustav the two other guards lowered their blasters and he then gestured to a seat. "Please, forgive my manners... I, ah, would offer some wine but I don't have any good vintages left sadly due to all... yeah no vintages." He looked rather crestfallen about that before a cough from the squad leader made him perk up again. "But yes, I could tell you... but perhaps you should give me a reason to trust you, to make sure that you come in good faith, handing over your weapons was a good start but I would need a little more convincing." Xen meanwhile had activated a program, forming a animated image of a old fashioned device known as a 'paperclip' who asked him wit ha text balloon if he was having trouble and needed assistance? Xen pauses and just shrugs, moving over to where he could set up a decent line of fire, drawing his blaster and setting it to stun. Hopefully Rei'Ki would have the sense not to kill the men... Maybe... Meanwhile Azazel moves forward and sits down thankfully, slumping back and rubbing her eyes. “It is fine, Gustav. I would not drink wine right now anyways... Do you have hot chocolate, though? I have been craving it a great deal lately.” She grasps her datapad from her belt and passes it over to Gustav to see. “These are all the pictures I have of this. It is not a good position for one such as yourself to get in contact. Be thankful I am the one holding this information and not someone else. Your life might be far more troublesome otherwise. Keep them. Be more careful. I have my own contacts if you are in need and you can easily contact me, should you still have my information. If not, I will provide it again.” She looks about and gestures with her hands at the Black Watch, “Furthermore, I have not acted, when I could have so far. I know what the Black Watch are. They are specialized in opposing my kind. I know what that repulsive lizard can do. I have stacked everything in your favor when I have had time to act. Whether or not they had my weapons before, I could have retrieved them without a second thought.” She closes her eyes and takes a preparatory breath, “There is another of the force here as well, one of those I myself trained... She is currently about your estate with one of my operatives, both in concealment.” With that, she raises her commlink and quickly contacts Xen and Rei'ki, “Reveal yourselves, hand over your weapons, allow the Black Watch to escort you to my side. Play nicely, now.” She kills the connection and looks at Gustav, “I am entirely at your mercy at this moment. You have two force-users on your estate. If you wished, you could contact someone or another and claim the bounty on us. Do you need more convincing?” Xen and Rei'Ki let their illusions drop and stare at each in confusion before dropping all their weapons to the ground, backing away from the door and placing their hands atop their heads, waiting for the patrol. The squad leader looks in alarm and quickly spreads a quick message to all the patrols of two intruders in the estate, at a look of Gustav however he added they were to brought to the library, unharmed. With a snort one of the patrolling guards chuckled to himself. "He really needs to get that stick out of his ass, we aren't all powerful force hunters anymore." The other grinned, "As if anyone could sneak past the two of us, eh? Eh, we are too smart for any would-be intruders, nah I bet they are in the east wing..." He trailed off as he opened the door and saw two intruders, with their weapons out, offering them freely. "Well shite..." Back in the library Gustav looked curiously at Azazel before making a decision it seems, standing up from his desk and moving to one of the many bookshelves, seeing where he was going the squad leader let out a warning. "Sir, you can't mean to-" Gustav motioned for the Black Watch to be silent and then turned to Azazel. "I think she can be trusted, lady Azazel, if you could be so kind to follow me?" If Azazel was wondering what he meant he suddenly reached out to one of the books and pulled it back, the sound of several gears of a hidden mechanism made themselves known as they grind into action and a hidden passage opened, lamps turning on at the same time. "The steps might be a bit slippery, oh just you please, your bodyguard can stay here." Azazel looks curiously at the bookcase and looses a low whistle, “Well, that is certainly interesting, dear Gustav.” As she stands to leave, Kitt reaches a hand out worriedly. Azazel smiles and ruffles her hair, “Be right back, little dove. Worry not, the others will be here soon.” Kitt frowns and nods, looking small as she places her hands in her lap. Azazel nods and follows after Gustav, carefully watching her step as instructed. “Please tell me I will encounter no rancor or Tukata. They are not my favorite creatures, you see.” Kitt looks at the guards with big eyes and clears her throat, “Anyone know a good game? Maybe?” She offers a sheepish smile and cranes her neck, trying to watch Azazel as she goes. Bezol sighs and slumps back into her chair as she realizes these guys were going to be a lot of tight-asses. “You all are no fun.” Her commlink chitters to life as Azazel patches a command through to everyone and she looses a frustrated sigh. Of course the woman chickened out. And here she was, ready to go! And still, Xen and Rei'Ki shuffle uncomfortably on there feet. Xen directs to the computer, “Whatever you used to decrypt your files. Genius. However, you might wish to lock your computer before leaving your post in the future. Understand.” Gustav looks back, frowning, "No... no rancors and I have no idea waht a Tuk'ata is, but there are some... guard bests down here, but I will inform their handlers to keep them controlled." Soon enough they reached the bottom of the stairs, they were also away enough from the Ysalamiri that Azazel felt her force senses returning. They were now in a entrance hall of sorts, sure enough the doors on the other side opened and three Black Watch burst out, two with blasters, one holding the leashes of two canine beasts who seemed rather agitated, staring intently at Azazel and growling. Gustav quickly raised his hands, "She is with me, I am not coerced and she is no threat." The one holding the leashes cursed, "The Vornskr seem to differ from that!" Gustav smiled and glanced at Azazel, "I know what she is, please return to your station and unlock the doors, she is here to see and understand." The Black watch obeyed and with some degree of cursing and tugging at the leashes they managed to get the Vornskrs back under control allowing Gustav and Azazel to continue, three more doors they passed, as well as various automated defenses and even some bulky and heavily armed security droids. Until finally they reached a door which Gustav had to open with a password and a retinal scan. As the doors opened Azazel could see what appeared to be a highly advanced medical bay with various medical personel moving about, attending the machines and studying the results. Gustav pointed at a bacta tank on the other side, "The reason for my medical equipment purchases." He said and Azazel saw the bacta tank was occupied, she missed a arm and a leg but the face, while obscured by a breathing mask, was still recognizable. It seemed that the lady Braghda Hejaran was not as dead as Azazel had been informed about. Azazel recoils back as she realizes who the woman was. She snarls and looks to Gustav, “You will tell me who did this to her now, Gustav! If it was that Jehemath, the filth will suffer and know the fury of the Sith!” As her anger roars, violet sparks begin to lift off her arms and shoulders and she quickly makes to pat them out as she stares at Braghda, bristled and tense. Several of the medical staff nearby gasped and looked shocked fro mthe newcomer to Gustav who calmly gestured for them to continue working. "It's fine, she was not expecting to see this, attend to the lady Braghda." He turned to Azazel and gestured for her to follow him away from the tank and most of the staff. "I suppose I should explain some other things first after your... revelation of a little more than a year ago, I admit I was a bit... well shocked to say the least and treated you unjustly. After a few months I decided to ask around and found out about the Mecrosa Order, which was present in my precious Tapani sector. Apparently I was deemed a safe risk and was contacted... by my own niece, Zarra, who had been in their employ for quite a while already. I was recruited as a fellow historian, helping them find locations of possible lore or artefacts they might wanted." He smiled and seemed to be filled for a moment with pride and happiness, the way Azazel remembers Gustav was upon her first meeting with him. "All was well, I even met lady Braghda, but now knowing who and what she was and not the disguise she wears in public. Then a few months ago reports came in of artefacts stolen and sold on black markets all over the galaxy, artefacts the Mecrosa Order had secured a long time ago. Braghda was asked to uncover the thief, she could not find out who it was but was getting too close we suspect now, because she became the target of a assassination attempt, which she barely survived as you can see." He gestured to the bacta tank and now Azazel could see that Braghda had several grievous looking burn marks on her skin that were slowly healing though some would scar her forever. Gustav meanwhile had gotten a dark look on his face, "Next thing we hear, is that her oafish cousin Jehemath was now in charge and wonder above wonder he had found the thief, a operative, my niece, Zarra was the blame for everything, the theft of the artefacts and the assassination of Braghda. I did not believe and contacted Zarra, informing her of what was going on and she went quickly into hiding, on the run... she actually messaged me a short time back that she had escaped several force users, your people?" He shook his head, "No matter, I went looking for Braghda, she had survived and some of her loyal retainers had brought her to safety, they did not trust me at once but once I proved it I convinced them to let me keep her safe at my estate, I fired most of my servants, gossipers the lot of them, and hired security in the form of these Black Watch who are now mercenaries for hire it seems and now here you are." Azazel takes it all in, nodding slowly, “You are a good man, Gustav. I am happy to have been right about you since the start.” She grimaces and looks at him, “My apologies if my disciples gave Zarra a scare. She had no intent of killing her and even allowed her to escape, though intended to follow her. For more information.” She looks back over her shoulder at the bacta-tank and her lip curls in disgust. “You ought to have come to me sooner. I would have provided any help I could. Braghda has proven nothing but loyal and pleasant to work with. I will see her restored if I can.” She raises her commlink, scrolling through the information. “As far as medical equipment, I own a clinic upon Alisandor. If Braghda is in need of any enhancements, you can go through them... Tell them the Dark Lady authorized it and whatever the expenses, I will cover.” She licks her lips, pausing a little uncertainly before sighing, “As well, in case... Anything does happen and you need flee... The information to contact my ships always patrolling the Sector and the location of my base of operations. Do not hesitate to call upon them. I will have Xen patch through authorization for yourself. And I would also be willing to put up your niece as well. I have a ship, over in the vicinity of Togoria, if you know it, that would be able to provide a lift to her if she needs it. I imagine it may be less... Risky than her hoping that no one catches up with her. After all, my followers managed it with little trouble. Though she looks as if she is more than able to protect herself against the common bounty hunter.” She offers a strained smile.“It appears I need meet and deal with Jehemath in order to unveil if this goes any further up or ends with him... If he is not... He will be but the first example,” she declares resolutely. Gustav nodded, "The offer of your clinic's services could be useful, ah and the reason I didn't go to you, or anyone else with or associated with the Order... I did not know who to trust, I don't even know if Jehemath is the culprit behind all this or someone is using him as a puppet, too many variables." A chill runs through Azazel's spine as she closes her eyes, “There may be now, but I promise you... There will not be for long. I have my methods of learning things, as you have noticed... You have been most helpful, though, thank you. Trust me in the future, though. I do not betray my friends and allies.” She hesitates for a moment, flushing as she looks to Gustav, “To be honest, though... I had one favor to ask of you, Gustav, which began the trail that even brought me here.” He blinked and looked at Azazel. "Oh?" He chuckled and shook his head, smiling. "So first you wanted to look me up in a year without contact for a favour, then to kill me and then to find out the truth... well I am glad I actually gave a good impression to you on our first meeting." He laughed, a actual happy sounding laugh of genuine amusement. Azazel crosses her arms, pouting at his laughing before smiling, “Yes, I am glad you did too...” She bites her lip before looking away embarassedly, “I actually... Wished to see if you were in the possession of Mandalorian Crush Gauntlets. I remembered you were a collector, understand... And my bodyguard is an Echani... Skilled as she is... A hand is not very, ah... Effective against a lightsabre... Or blasters... or armour.” Gustav blinked and looekd to the ceiling. "Crushgaunts... crushgaunts." He scratched his beard and frowned. "When was the last time I shaved... ah sorry, yes. I do not own such a pair, I am a historian and collector yes, but weapons are more a hobby... though I would like to keep that lightsaber, if you truly meant to offer it as a gift." He looks hopeful about that. "I do know about a pair actually, owned by a private collector... though I also heard he uses them from time to time." He got a bit of a disgusted look on his face. "It is owned by some syndicate fellow, criminal 'crime lord' I believe the term is, goes by the name of Kuryi Gabiel Saros, a Echani as well if I am not mistaken. Sadly that is the only known owner of a pair of existing crush gaunts, you might have better luck asking some Mandalorians, but if you want to go after the one belonging to that criminal, I believe he resides somewhere near hutt space i nthe galactic east." She purses her lips, and muses quietly to herself, “I could always set him on fire, I suppose..” She shakes her head, “Indeed, keep the lightsabre, Gustav. Thank you for that information, but I suppose I might talk to my... riduur, before making any movements against a potential syndicate member. Perhaps being on the fast track as Mandalor, he would provide a better route of recovering a set...” Azazel and her retinue spend some time, talking with Gustav. Xen continues to try and pry more information from the Black Watch mercenaries, but has little to no success. They finally went to leave and return to the OS-80. However... As the door slips open, Azazel pauses in confusion at the sight of Bezol, missing a few garments of clothing with a pile of armour and credits rested before her. The two guards who had been left with her look up embarrassed, halting in the motion to remove their boxers. Bezol looks up from her hand of cards, a smirk spreading over her lips at the shocked expression of the others. “Mind giving me a few minutes longer? Things were just getting interesting.” Her eyes drift admiringly over the Black Watch men. Azazel purses her lips and gestures at the armor, “No. You two. Gather your belongings and get off my vessel. Now.” Bezol sighs and begins to collect up the credit chits, giving a small apologetic look to the men she had literally won the clothes off the backs of. “Next time, boys.” --- In the training room, Azazel watches Kitt spar with the noghri bloodhunter. He was being particularly ruthless compared to the normal, so far as to intentionally be lashing out with claws. The Dark Lady had kept the same noghri as before in order to train with Kitt, but she was clearly uncertain about it now. He had kept a grudge in the wake of the last training session. Kitt was more than holding her own now, though. The fluidity with which she was moving was alarming, even. Every step seemed rehearsed and perfectly timed to her and the noghri was only growing more frustrated as his claws continue to strike nothing but air. She leans forward, eyes glittering as her lips spread. The Echani really was showing her heritage. Kitt catches the smile in the corner of her eyes and hesitates. The noghri spies his chance and goes to lash out. A low tug races through Kitt, somehow knowing what was coming. She raises an arm, blocking the attack before slipping in to his defenses, throwing her fist into his side. A series of popping cracks fill the silence of the room as the noghri's face visibly warps with pain as he falls to his feet. Azazel stands as Kitt readies another strike at her downed opponent. The Echani pauses, looking at Azazel. A quick gesture for her to cease, and Kitt takes a few steps back, eyes fixed upon the noghri. Azazel kneels down beside him and touches her fingertips to his face, “Are you alright?” He grunts, a hand on his side, “Broken ribs.” Azazel nods and raises her commlink, “I need a medic and a stretcher to the training facility. One of the instructors is injured and in need of immediate attention.” She gestures for Kitt to go across the room as she stares down upon the Noghri, “You have done well. Rest, stay put. Someone will be here soon.” With that she stands and flexes her hands. She had been observing these sparring matches time and time again and she was beginning to see some of the patterns. Azazel smirks and wraps herself in a small layer of protection as Kitt picks at the gear Azazel had instructed her to wear. It was combat armour, that much she could tell... And there was a helmet with it too. Azazel watches as the Echani shifts, more than a bit uncomfortable in the bulkier attire. “So why am I wearing this? No one has been able to land a blow today.” Azazel just smiles and shakes her head as she strides forward, taking up a stance to oppose her, “You are going to need it.” Kitt frowns, watching Azazel before a smile spreads across her face, loosing a small laugh, “Oh, this is a joke. You almost had me there!” Azazel's eyes narrow as she throws a punch at Kitt's head. The Echani catches the clumsy arm in lightly gloved hands, confusion apparent on her face. “What are you doing?” Azazel smiles and shifts in, “Training, of course... You noticed I've failed to change from my armour, yes? And you can see the protection... right?” Kitt's brows furrow as she looks over the armour, clear up to the wrist still clutched in her hand. She blinks, shifting her fingers and noticing the small gap of air. She had Azazel caught and yet she did not have a grip on her bracers! Azazel's smile spreads as it dawns on Kitt what protection she had. “I don't think I can excel any further in my hand-to-hand training, Azazel.” “Oh, I know... You, though, are going to train me,” Azazel draws her hand away and strikes out again. Kitt readies to block before ducking away as she notices the building sparks of fire coming off of Azazel's arm before it sweeps off as a wave of fire overhead. The Echani looks up wide-eyed as she shuffles back, “Well, you have a lot of work yet, Azazel... Watching doesn't make you any better at all this... And we have to start with the basics too.” Azazel straightens herself out, nodding slowly, “I thought as much, but that is why... For now, at least... You will be [i]my[/i] instructor.” Kitt shuffles uncomfortably before nodding, “Let's work on the basic positions, then... Blocking, footwork... You are far from ready for actual spars yet.” Azazel snorts and quickly shakes her arm through the air, making the fire that was scorching along her arm go off. “Fine, fine. We will start there. Rei'Ki will tell you I am a fast learner, though.” Kitt arches a brow, “Rei'Ki instructed you?” Azazel wavers a hand, “Basic swordplay and concealment techniques... It was a long while ago, though, until I had the basics. Lydavis taught me as well on wielding two weapons at once...” Kitt sighs, slipping into a beginner's stance, “Copy what I do...” She raises an arm, as if to block, before slowly moving her arm through various other positions. Azazel clumsily mimics. “So why learn hand-to-hand? I've seen you with your weapons. And your fire almost caught me off-guard. You ought to be fine.” Azazel furrows her brow, awkwardly shifting her weight as she continues to try and follow Kitt. The Echani stops and moves forward, correctly the Sith's positioning. “You were at Gustav's... I was down to just a poisoned bes'bev... If I had used it against Gustav, I doubt I would have been capable of fighting my way out of there. Those lizards are the bane of force talents. All my weapons were out of my possession. If things did not go perfectly, I would have been outmanned, out-skilled and at the end of my rope... So, sure, I may be skilled in some ways... But this... This is something no one could ever take from me.” Her eyes glitter dangerously and Kitt's mouth quirks at the edges, though she tries to keep straight-faced. “I don't think you ever reach the end of your rope, Azazel. You always seemed to have been one step ahead...” She steps back, surveying Azazel's stance before nodding approvingly before going back and running through the movements for the sith again. “I would hate to see the poor sod who actually makes you feel you're at that point. Theo always told me someone who feels backed into the corner was always far more dangerous...” Azazel frowns, footing slipping before she quickly corrects, “It is not I that my worry is for...” Her thoughts drift abruptly to Aggros and his mangled body in the wake of the Terentatek, a chill running down her spine. “Bezol was right... I have room to improve in many areas... and I will see that I do. Too many follow me without question, I have no room for weakness.” Kitt stops, glaring at Azazel, “You are not weak. Don't let that hot head get to you...” Azazel huffs and gestures for Kitt to keep going. --- Azazel rests her head in her hands, making sure another holocron was off as she moves it to a portion of the vault she had already gone through and was of little use. Her attempts to uncover more secrets of the sith within the vault was proving useless. She drifts over to the wall, slinking down to sit upon the floor as she sighs. Perhaps meditation would be more fruitful. She closes her eyes to begin, but the door swishes open as Xen walks through, passing over a data-slate. “Totals are in for this month's profits. Decent gross on most, though one of the satellites at Procopia was damaged. Some drunk sleemo wrecked it by accident. The report was filed, witness accounts and details acquired. Repairs entirely took up all profits and then some. However, the other satellite picked up some interesting news. A compatriot of Jehemath the Fifth is at a resort with a negligible retinue of guards. I advise we check it out before making any moves upon Jehemath. The more we can have on the guy, the better I feel we will fair... Especially if we have to pump him for information in the event this incident with Braghda goes above and beyond his station.” Azazel frowns and nods, taking the slate and looking over the information. It was good they had such funds now. “Very good, Xen. I would like you to take some of the profits and invest in a fence, by the way. Perhaps from the market we had surveillance on that Gustav attended. I would also like information returned, a few spreadsheets of potential profits and losses to be gained from investing in other industries.... Save back an appropriate sum in the case we need buy these... Crush-gaunts... As well, continue to look into a hypermatter reactor... And perhaps additional upgrades. Oh! Yes, and do see if there is any room in the budget to acquire some additional troops. Perhaps inquire of Gustav if he knows where we ourselves can hire some of these Black Watch... Or better yet, even... See if we can acquire Vornskr, Ysalamiri lizards... Or perhaps even some Tukata... I miss that runt, Cabur. He was a brilliant creature...” Xen's face twists disapprovingly before her nods. “Very well, but much of this will take great time... In the meantime, however... Do see yourself and a small retinue ready to go to the resort. After you rest, of course. It has been a long day from what I understand. Oh, yes... And tomorrow, you [i]will[/i] see the medical staff and cooperate in their exam. You have been pushing this off far too long.” Azazel grimaces and nods slowly, “Very well... I suppose there cannot be much harm in doing so...” Xen nods, “And much in not.” He crouches down and passes Azazel a cup filled with her favorite beverage, marshmallow melted into a thick frothy layer at the top. Azazel smiles appreciatively and simply relaxes, sipping carefully of her drink.