5:50AM on a raining morning. Gabe had no actual reason for being up so early in the morning, but on raining days, it just felt nice to wake up and take in the scenery. Gray light filtered through the heavy clouds as soft rain pelted the patio window, drops of water sliding against the glass and colliding with one-another, forming rivers that dispersed moments later. Looking to the side of the patio window, the young man checked the theronometer taped to the wall. The mercury was ten degrees below room temperature, and the visible shifting of the rain showed that the wind was strong that morning. But he was a healthy young man, and while he didn't normally take morning showers, when Gabe did, it was out in the rain. His roommate was still asleep, tucked away and facing the wall after a few too many mornings waking up to the sight of Gabe's manhood. The Mongolian's snores were rather heavy as well, so it should be fine if he added in a bit of music to the experience as well. Sliding open the window and stepping out onto the slick patio, the young man closed his eyes and simply decided to enjoy the moment. Rain washed down his slender body, drawing away the warmth that it held from being wrapped in heavy woolen blankets. It was a soothing sensation, a cooling one that emptied his mind of even the most abstract of thoughts. The wind felt good, chilling his rain-drenched skin as it pushed against him. Nature's own variation of a cold shower, with the added bonus of being a hundred times more atmospheric. It helped, of course, that the morning traffic routines had yet to start up, with the graveyard shift workers still busy, and the morning folks still asleep. Other than the occasional sound of a car, Gabe allowed himself to enjoy a moment of serenity. The young lady from the adjacent apartment, the one who had the same no-sleep-required attitude as himself, waved at him, and he reciprocated it. Just like his roommate, that early bird had grown accustomed to the restaurant worker's perpetual morning nudity. The only difference laid it how one avoided it, and another tolerated it. Stepping back inside, he crossed the carpeted room and entered the washroom in five big steps, toweling himself dry in another half-minute. He smiled at the mirror, warming up his facial muscles for another day at the cafe, before another chill in the air reminded him that, while sleeping naked was comfortable, and cold showers were relaxing, getting sick due to that would be detrimental to his enjoyment of life. Towel slung around his shoulders to catch what stray droplets of water may fall from his damp hair, he slid open the closet, closing his eyes to properly visual what sort of outfit he'd be donning that day. Today was a raining day, so he should put on one of those fancy trench coats he bought last year. Maybe emulating the style of 20th century mobsters? Or should he go for a more somber look, with a dark suit and umbrella, and hope that the skies get darker? Then again, a chipper white-shirt-with-suspenders was always a good choice on any day. Not that any of it really mattered, seeing how he had a special workplace uniform to adhere to regardless, but it was fun to dream about those things. That bit of fun, though, was interrupted by the buzzing of his Iphone. Waltzing over, he opened up his email to read a prophetic message from the future, obviously a schedule of things that were to come for a town that wasn't this one. He yawned as he absentmindedly scrolled through the rest of his emails, silently praising that 'mysterious' message for at least being slightly creative and not obviously a scam. Perhaps it was some sort of subtle promotion for a movie that was coming up, about cellphone messages that predicted the future. Or perhaps it was sent by William Low, who just wanted more people to look him up on the Internet. He paid it little mind...up until he closed his email and noticed an app that was in the process of downloading, something that obviously was related to the message from before. Gabe chose to sit down on a chair then. This was getting interesting. Crosslegged and now with his towel on his lap, he rocked side by side slowly as he searched Google for information about the 'Key Shop' app, wondering whether or not it was some sort of virus or not. Other than a few unrelated hits, there was nothing, and he smiled at that. With a tap of his index finger, he opened the application, and beared witness to...a shop for free keys and accessories. Apparently, you were only allowed one, and he was restricted to only the first page. That was anti-climatic. With his expectations of something crazy and significant and possibly scary gone, Gabe decided that he would at least follow through with the sole function of the app and select one key from the selection. The Librarian, it was called. Should serve well as something to have on him when he decided to try out a more intellectual appearance, complete with non-prescription glasses. With that done, he closed his phone, and went back to the dire dilemma of selecting what outfit he would wear on that raining day. The young man had scarcely put on a pair of boxer briefs before a knock on the door interrupted his clothes selection. With a daring swagger (or perhaps just irrational shamelessness), he opened the door, fully expecting his landlord to be asking for more tips on brewing coffee. There was no one. Another yawn escaped his lips as he turned around, waving off that incident as simply him mishearing it. Yet there was a new box when he returned to the closet. A box with all the correct shipping details and contact information, as well as a stamp that looked awfully similar to the Key Shop app icon. If only Amazon worked as fast as Key Shop. Now, he was fairly intrigued, and opening the box, found, not to his surprise, the Librarian key, as well as the keychain that came with it. It looked as if it was meant to be old, all bronze and such, with such simple teeth that no one would seriously use it as a key to a lock in this day and age. Lifting it up by the chain, then turned his attention to the owl. A cute little thing. Reminded him of the Guardians of Ga'Hoole, that book series about owls who killed each other with metal talons and fire. Disregarding whatever paper that was in the box, Gabe put the key and phone back onto the table, before returning to the task of figuring out what to wear in the morning. After all, one must always be careful with their appearance.