Kelvin was disappointed. But... it may be for the best. The after image of the lightning attack likely wouldn't fade for a while. It actually made it hard for him to see Victoria well enough to find her. The lightning had left a blackened area of stone, but she was a few feet away. The attack may have thrown her, or the bolts had missed. Either way, he felt responsible. Had he been paying attention, there was a chance that he could have moved her out of the.way. He sighed, kneeling down to check for a pulse. The moment his fingers brushed her skin a pulse of electricity shook through him. Residual energy? The mage must have had more power than he thought. Luckily she was alive though. Kelvin picked up Victoria and headed back to the guild. The occasional tingle-to-small-zap of electricity still snapped into him from her. The lightning mage was powerful. Powerful indeed.