[b]Ajala, Arcana, Nathalia, Shippo, Dantus (cameo)[/b] Dantus was renowned amongst the returning students for his breathtaking anger issues and obsessive desire for order. Ajala considered herself fortunate to have stayed out of his periphery most of the time last year, with the exception being that one time she accidentally let a sentient seedling into her room after it sneaked into her bag. She was thankful that the Lich had been aware of her clean record and merely let her off with a very [i]stern[/i] warning. Ajala now focused her sight on a trembling Arcana and Shippo. "This way." The nagini led the harpy and fox shifter to a nearby table with a small stack of sign-up sheets and prepared a sheet for her to fill in. She was about to grab a nearby pen for her to use, but a slithering vine beat her to it and began waving it around instead. Looking to her side, Ajala chuckled when she saw the culprit: the same sentient seedling, now a mature plant, waving around the pen. Its leaves rustled as it moved its vines about, unhappy about the nagini's attention being focused on the two students. Despite Dantus' warning and insistence that plants, especially sentient ones, should stay in the greenhouses, she and this particular plant managed to bond well over the year. Opening the palm of her hand, Ajala silently asked for the pen back to which it returned the stationery somewhat reluctantly. She then handed over the pens, after grabbing another one for the fox shifter, and sign-up forms to Arcana and Shippo before reaching to brush the plant gingerly, enabling it to curl its vines all over her hand and forearm. "Fill that in with your name and other details, then sign the rest of the form and you are done with the registration." Turning back to the timid fox shifter, the nagini carefully lifted the pot where the sentient plant was planted on and held it up in front of his face, allowing the plant to curiously identify him. "It will not bite if you stay calm," she said to him, fully expecting him to freak out.