Viltez thinks carefully as he eats. [i]'I'm glad he has something to amuse himself. I just hope he does not tire of this small town too quickly. What time do I think I will be done for the day. . .I don't have over much to do, but all of it will require the sun to be if not high, at least close to it. . .'[/i] His head tilts back and forth as he thinks, murmuring, “I hope you find something to your liking in our humble shops.” He smiles, honest in his convictions. When at last he munches down the last bite he picks the most likely time to be done in a safe margin of error. [i]'Even if it doesn't take me quite that long, at lease Aryx will not have to wait'[/i] Sitting up he continues trying to clean his fingers for a while before shrugging and deciding to just rinse them off in the wash water when he dumps it in a few minutes. “I should be done no later than four hours after mid day, a lot of my work falling during the pre to mid day hours.” He smiles softly. “I kind of try and fill my days with stuff to do so I can keep busy and have some extra cash for when I don't have as much work.” [i]'Not to mention my secret little stash for a possible trip one day. I've never really made any specific plans, but it never hurts to be prepared'[/i] With a little nod he stands. “I should get going now, please close the door behind you when you go. We can meet here because it's on the way to the forest from town after all.” With a little wave he heads outside, wandering over to the wash basin and after rinsing his fingers he dumps it out in the grass several yards from his home. Setting it near the pump he rinses off his hands and rubs down his face to get the last bits of stickiness off it. Looking to the town, the morning is in full swing now, and after a quick check to make sure everything is still in place, he marches off at a brusk pace towards the hustle and bustle. The hours pass relatively quickly as first he runs some errands for Old Mr. Jukerman, the large bags of feed for his chickens too much for his aged frame. After that he gets rather filthy changing out a wagon wheel for a trader passing through town who didn't want to pay full price for the work. An hour before mid day Viltez makes his way over to the house of a young woman who has more than once offered to become more acquainted with the half beast man, and indeed many of the times she hires him it is for work that would either be more suited for someone more skilled, or for something she obviously messed up herself and just wanted an excuse to get Viltez to come over. This is the case as once again the fence to her small animal pens appear damaged inexplicably, the breaks looking suspiciously like they were made by an ax. Viltez however does not judge her actions and instead, after running to town for supplies, returns and begins work immediately. After about an hour she comes out with refreshments, He accepts a cup of cool liquid but is careful to shift away from her to keep her hands off of him, all the while making it look nothing like he's trying to avoid her. “Thank you Miss. Ellen. Very refreshing.” He says with one of his award winning smiles. But just as she's about to move in close once more he hands her back her cup and drops down back to his work. She walks off with a sigh and once she is out of ear shot, he too lets out a long sigh. [i]'Gotta watch out for her. If anyone's gonna find out about my tail in this town, she is, with those hands of hers. . . .'[/i]