Evilorber turned around, surprised to see another person. "[i]"Excuse me, but what time is it?"[/i]" Evilorber started silently for a full second before reaching into his backpack. He searched it for about a moment before pulling out a small phone. He looked at it, and his eyes widened. He held it up. "I don't think it's supposed to do that...". The clock was flipping times. It would flip from 3:52 to 4:52 then to 5:52. The time would change every second. Evil had held his phone up for about 10 seconds before returning it to his bag. Evilorber got up off his knees and slowly approached the man. He poked him lightly a few times, before jumping backwards, "I really don't know what's going on here..". Evilorber looked the man up and down, he usually wouldn't trust strangers. He suddenly became aware of growing hunger in his belly. "Y-you wouldn't happen to have any food, would you? And uhh... do you know what that is?" He pointed towards the darkness visible over the small lake, that appeared to cut halfway through.