Lev approached Laura, up at the control panel. It consisted of a metal board covered in a multitude of switches, buttons and dials, with a large steering wheel protruding from the centre. Laura's calm expression seemed in stark contrast to her hands which skated frantically over the panels, her fingers moving seemingly autonomously. Lev had to admit he was impressed. He would have to make notes on how to fly this aircraft just in case though. Getting stranded would be, on the whole not a good experience. "We need to leave as soon as possible, we don't have the luxury of time to waste. Everything will start moving very fast, very soon and I want to be out of here before the commotion starts." "God you're as cryptic as the invitation." Laughed Laura, her hands moving just as quickly as before. "I've been working on it since we got on, we'll be taking off in no time, don't worry." "I'm not worried." Smiled Lev, with not a hint of amusement. "That's good to hear though, I'm going to go and take some medical supplies to our fighting friend Ivy. Remember to lock the door after me, I don't want Mars getting curious around here." Lev left the room, his steps were almost silent. He moved quickly to his room, collecting the supplies for Ivy. He decided to stay in his room for a short while, in case anyone needed him for any reason. Boredom quickly taking over, Lev fished out his sketchbook and began making a diagram of the controls from memory. He could recall about 95% of it he estimated. It was then that a huge noise, the noise of a combustion, erupted through the ship, followed by a deep, thick rumble. This was accompanied by the unique sensation of the ship rising into the air and starting to move. Laura was a fast worker.