Blast Girl peered past Wenchang at the newcomer. He looked kind of intimidating, but that didn't bother her! They were all heroes here, right? So there was no trouble at all. He introduced himself as 'Oni', and that was something she recognized pretty much instantly. Her older sister had gotten her into anime, and she'd basically learned about the whole oni thing from there. They were basically Japanese ogres(though that was a simplification really), and from what she could tell that fit this guy pretty well. He was probably Japanese with the name and all, too. She flashed him a happy smile and waved to the man. Just because he was being quiet and reserved in his introduction didn't mean she had to be. "Hi!" she called to him, moving a bit to see him better past Wenchang, "I'm Blast Girl! It's nice to meet you, Oni!" A small part of her wondered if she'd end up having to talk about the stuff she'd done as a superhero. It wasn't like she thought she had to, doing it without getting asked would just be random bragging! But, well, she was kind of proud of how well she had done protecting people and saving them and all that kind of stuff, and stopping people like Maestro(though apprehending her was another story entirely) and Mister Crystal(that bastard!). So if she got the chance to talk about it, well, Blast Girl would take it.