Hagumi had smiled to herself as she felt Torva grasp her hair... she couldn’t help it. Hagumi was also finding some bit of solace in the massive crowd, for while they were mostly seraphim, the attention was not focused on she and Torva, but instead was on the inventors in the ring below. Hagumi wondered if her mother or father were in the crowd somewhere. They had not talked about going to the games, but it had been something the family had done, in Hagumi’s younger days… often bringing Phryne along with them, as she and Hagumi had been very close from the moment the other seraphim had come to work for Hagumi's family, close as sisters, and perhaps closer.. “I see them,” Hagumi replied, leaning over to speak into Torva’s left ear, pointing to the tiny figures of Cadogan, at his workbench, and Chii, whom was scurrying off to, presumably, get something for The Great Inventor, although neither Hagumi or Torva knew that Chii was looking a bit frantically about for a wine vendor… “Mother told me that Doragon came from this place,” Hagumi whispered into Torva’s ear, feeling her sword hum softy against her right thigh as its name was spoken. Looking back to the ring below, Hagumi saw Chii hurrying back toward Cadogan, the tiny, silver haired dragoness clutching something, a large jug, Hagumi guessed, tightly in her hands.,, Hagumi chuckled as she watched another white feather alight on the tip of Torva’s nose, and plucking it deftly away, the seraphim hugged Torva’s waist tightly with her free arm. “See, everyone is alike, even we seraphim let our hair down, so to speak,” Hagumi murmured in her companion’s ear, having noted Torva’s earlier words. Hagumi’s attention returned to the ring, where she could see Chii had arrived safely back at Cadogan’s work area, and had handed The Great Inventor whatever he had sent he dragoness to fetch for him. “Cadogan is keeping Chii buy,” Hagumi laughed… Then things took a rather unexpected turn... A man appeared in the ring below, dragging along a unsavory looking fellow. He went on to, in a unapologetic tone, apologize for interrupting the games and went on the name the man whom he had drug into the arena as The Ladykiller. The bounty hunter went on to spout off about making an example of The Ladykiller… so that no one ‘would break the law’. “Oh thank you… champion for justice,” Hagumi muttered under her breath as she watched the spectacle unfold, that’s all it amounted to… Justice was just an excuse; the bounty hunter was nothing but a attention whore, and a rude, loud, uncivilized one at that… Some of the large crowd screamed as The Ladykiller was relieved of his head and thus his life, some of the seraphim who had never seen battle, blood, or death, being shocked at the gruesome display. The young ones were the most affected, some standing in shocked silence, other crying, most running to the parent(s) or to the nearest adult, who if they had any sense, ushered the young one(s) away from the arena with all due haste. “He didn’t need to do that here,” Hagumi hissed angrily into Torva’s near ear as she glared down at the arena, the games all but forgotten now. “Since when did some bounty hunter have the right to lecture us,” Hagumi seethed with indignation, and anger, the latter for having her brief time of relaxation interrupted by the sword wielding jerk spouting justice and beheading a man in front of everyone. “And what does he think we are… humans?” At the words left her lips, Hagumi bit her tongue. “I didn’t mean that,” she muttered softly, glad that no humans were in earshot to hear her words. “I’m just. All I wanted, quiet for a day. I can’t even have that, can I!?”