I'm just gonna say one thing. Fury got up in like, less than a second to deflect an attack that was fired at him while he was laying down. How fast can he stand up from a static laying down and exposed position unaided by his energy? Cause if he got up aided by his energy, that's another charge voided. As Khan pointed out earlier with: [quote=GreivousKhan] Btw, in terms of prepping attacks, you should know that when a charcter is prepping for their special ability they usually can't also use it during that time. So while a mage can chant a words to a spell and swing with a sword, he can't power a spell and use another spell while defending. [/quote] Also, it takes like, 1-3 seconds to say a full sentence. And he was called weak at the very end. Immediately followed by a spray of hot lava. So yeah, how fast can he get up? Because it would take very little time for it to actually hit you while you're laying down on the ground.