"Something like that," Sonja replied. She didn't want to be evasive, but she also didn't want to give away too much. Her name couldn't be helped- she had always been open about her true identity, and it was too late when she discovered that knowing a name gave another sorcerer power. Sonja had learned that the hard way, a dark night on the East Side dealing with the cultists who followed the Somnambulist. If nothing else, it made good sense to be vague about the source of her magical power. "Some places got a sort of good juju that can be tapped into. St. Louis is one." Sonja smiled. "I don't need to lecture you on ley lines and huacas, you know how it works." She leaned back on the bench, scanning the crowd. "There's people here from all over! I even recognize a couple of them," she said excitedly. "There's Cherry Bomb, from Sacramento. The Rad Fiddler, from Atlanta. Vegas' Cardsharp. Pittsburgh sent Joe Magarac. One hell of a gathering. I fell honored just to be here. It's like sitting at the Round Table. Except some of these guys are douchebags. A lot of them, actually. But still." She shrugged. "What can you do?" Sonja sighed, mentally checked herself. Her excitement was getting away from her, and she was talking the poor girl's ear off. "So, Bella, how about we walk around, see who we can meet? This could be a valuable chance to do some networking, if nothing else."