[center] [img=http://images8.alphacoders.com/372/372870.jpg] [i]"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."[/i] [/center] [center] [b]Nation Name[/b] Cephalrrior's Deep [/center] [center] [b]Race(s)[/b] Cephalrrior’s Deep is comprised of 100% Cephalrrior. The unique conditions of their living space makes it nearly impossible to co-habit with other species. They are one of the most physiologically alien species (when compared to Human and/or humanoid races) in the galaxy, certainly the most alien species to be capable of space travel and interaction with other sentient species. The average Cephalrrior can live up to 10,000 (ten thousand) years given optimal conditions and no external factors such as illness or trauma are introduced, and for this reason can grow to incredible size. However, a small percentage of individuals will live far longer and proceed into the Titanopod phase. It is worth noting that all Cephalrrior are subsurface beings, living in the liquid water oceans of their colonised worlds. Posesessing 8 (eight) pairs of powerful tentacles and slender, cartilage-lined bodies, the Cephalrriors are extremely unusual, yet highly intelligent creatures. (Note: Even the dullest Cephalrrior is supposedly supposed to be able to exceed 600 IQ relative to Humans. Whether this is because of their massive brains that grow in accordance with their bodies, or due to some other unknown factor, is yet to be determined) Due to their extreme growth potential and living conditions, the average lifecycle of a Cephalrrior is divided into 4 (four) stages, each with it’s own distinctive situational circumstances and outward appearance and traits. 1: Polyp The Polyp stage is often referred to as the baby stage, and is the first one that all Cephalrrior begin in. The Cephalrrior polyp is produced through the sexual interaction of 4 (four) sexually mature Cephalrrior, whereupon spores from each partaking individual divide DNA amongst themselves and reassemble into a spore-pod. This pod will find it’s way to any nearby suitable surface and attach itself, beginning the process of self-parthenogensis to produce a cloud of polyp-stage Cephalrriors. Cephalrriors at this stage are microscopically tiny, averaging just a few micrometers across, and having next to no capacity for intelligent thought. They simply wander the ocean currents, collecting nutrients from any source passing nearby. They grow quickly, leaving the polyp stage in roughly 3-4 weeks. 2: Medusaeus Once the Polyp stage has been left behind, the Cephalrrior enters what is known as the Medusaeus stage, which is a form of transitional period between childhood and maturity for the Cephalrrior. During the stage the Cephalrrior begins cognitive development alongside it’s rapid physical growth, and it is experiences here that shape the personality of the Cephalrrior later on in it’s lifecycle. The Medusaeus stage can last anywhere between 1,000 to 1,500 years, and the Cephalrrior during this stage can reach anywhere from 1m (one metre) in length to 15m (fifteen metres). [url=http://www.igorstshirts.com/blog/conceptships/2012/ling_xiang/ling_xiang_07.jpg]-A young, 12m Medusaeus rests on a tectonic shelf on the ocean world of Yvar[/url] 3: Cephalion Cephalrrior’s in this stage are perhaps the most well known to other species, as this is the main stage of the life cycle and when sexual maturity is reached. Cephalrriors in the Cephalion stage become truly awesome creatures, cans can range from 30m (thirty metres) in length to a colossal 100m (one hundred metres). The brain of the Cephalrrior is considered fully developed at this point and has incredible raw processing power and lateral thinking capabilities, as well as immense physical strength due to it’s size. However, the Cephalrrior is still biologically restricted to the water, though such limitations can be transcended with technology. Most Cephalrriors will die during this phase. Few Cephalrrior survive to the following stage. The Cephalion stage lasts roughly 9,000 years in most cases. [url=http://havoc20.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/kraken62.jpg]-A Cephalion rises to the surface momentarily[/url] [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/081/a/b/Sea_monster_by_artozi.jpg]-A Cephalion is imaged just below the ocean surface[/url] 4: Titanopod A rare and terrifying form of Cephalrrior is the Titanopod Phase. This stage is only entered by particularly imposing Cephalrriors who are able to survive longer than their brethren. The Titanopod continues to grow unrestricted, and certain individuals have reportedly been seen at lengths of over a kilometre long, though undoubtedly larger such Cephalrrior exist. Theoretically, the largest Titanopod would be able to reach lengths of up to 10km (ten kilometres) though such theories are unproven at this time. [url=http://www.this-is-cool.co.uk/wp-content/gallery/francesco-lorenzetti/francesco-lorenzetti-alien-kraken-artist.jpg]-Titanopod-12537AY-8C[/url] [url=http://s4.goodfon.su/wallpaper/previews-middle/457627.jpg]-Titanopod- 16384RY-JV[/url] [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/066/1/a/Sea_monster_No_1_by_tiger1313.jpg]-Titanopod-84913NT-5R[/url] -- The highly intelligent and physically dominating species is only ever interacted with by other races when they don their specially crafted vessels: vast, advanced exoskeletons built to accommodate their truly monstrous forms. These exoskeletons are built to allow the Cephalrrior to survive inside, even out of water, and are so effective that they are also the means by which each individual Cephalrrior can travel in space. Exoskeleton design varies, but in general, they are reminiscent of giant mechanical spiders that move with the fluidity of such a biological counterpart. These exoskeletons are built to interface specifically with it’s owner, and can come with all sorts of enhancements. Through the exoskeletons, the Cephalrrior travel the systems, visit other races and do battle on land, space and air. Specific exoskeletons will often serve a specific role in a combat situation, though any Cephalrrior is capable of using it’s exoskeleton to great destructive effect if needed. When it comes to space combat, Cephalions will serve as the backbone of a fleet, swarming at foes with great speed and agility, and tearing them apart with powerful appendages, all the while Titanopods serve as the capital ships: while still agile and more mobile than any normal craft of equivalent size, they are often seen with great weapons fitted to their exoskeletons, unleashing a torrent of fire upon their enemies. [b]Racial Traits[/b] -Older Cephalrriors are huge, imposing creatures. They are rarely seen in groups larger than two or three. -Cephalrrior, thanks to their great size in comparison to most sentient species, are extremely physically strong and durable. All Cephalrrior individuals are truly terrifying forces to behold should they be enraged -Cephalrriors are, primarily, an intellectual species, with a great focus on creative thinking. Science comes first to most Cephalrrior and they value intelligence and rationality. [/center] [center] [b]Civilization Tier[/b] 2/3 [b]Population[/b] Unknown. The Deep comprises twelve worlds that are all within what is known as the Aquasphere, an area that is constantly showered by massive chunks of ice from a massive nearby comet, known as the LifeStar, that orbits the sector. These massive chunks of ice boarding worlds within the Aquasphere are the reason behind the density of worlds all classed as liquid water ocean planets. The exact population of the Cephalrrior is hard to count or even estimate due to their underwater nature, and due to the fact that they have never bothered to launch a formal survey into the matter. It is thought that there are 30,000 adult individuals on each planet within The Deep, leading to a total population estimate of 360,000 adult Cephalrrior. [b]Culture/Society[/b] Cephalrrior society is fundamentally different from those observed in humanoid cultures, with a vast subset of rules and makeshift laws that differentiate themselves from the moral codes set out by more conventional nations. First and foremost, the Cephalrrior have no leader, formal or not, and do not assign any such individual to that sort of role. This may be because Cephalrrior society does not allow for large groups to come together into large communities like other races. In fact, post mortem examinations of rare Cephalrrior corpses found beyond the Aquasphere have shown that they are biologically incapable of holding such communes as their Dunbar’s Horizon is significantly more restricted than those of Humans and their like. This means that there are groups of 10 (ten) to 15 (fifteen) Cephalrrior in each community (or Cephaol) who operate completely independently from other Cephaols. Such communities are brought together through various factors. Common factors include familial ties and common intrigue and interest. This means it is not unusual to find certain Cephaols who are incredible warlike and aggressive, while others will be dedicated to creation and learning. The Cephalrrior are an extremely diverse race, and do not all share a single philosophy, as they are in no way hive-minded or quasi-hive minded. They are extraordinarily individual, and the personalities of each Cephalrrior are incredible diverse. Each Cephaol will claim it’s own area of ocean within their home world, and may choose to expand on their own terms, almost acting as a small nation of it’s own. Disputes between Cephaols are settled through combat or intellectual games, depending on those involved. It is not common for Cephalrrior to engage in diplomacy with other races that does not directly involve intellectual property, but it is known for some extremely territorial and conquesting Cephalrrior to attempt (and usually successfully) annex planets of other nations with surprising ease. Over the generations, the Cephalrrior have become a form of guiding species to others in the galaxy; imparting wisdom to races who seek council from their vast experience and intellectual capacity. At least, some Cephaols will impart their knowledge… Others simply wish to kill those who come too close. It would be unwise to summarise the Cephalrrior as one generalist socio-economic power, as they are about as diverse as they come. It is this unpredictability that allows them to remain so enigmatic, yet so respected and feared among the galactic community, as even in their small communities, their impact can be massive. [/center]