Etana stayed quiet all throughout Dakarai's little announcement, and fell into step with the other apprentices. She was well used to men who had limited power that liked to express it through demeaning and bullying others. It was all the same game, whether it was politics, trade, or even assassination. Some people didn't know how to earn respect, and so they simply ruled with fear and aggression. Either their teacher would learn, or he would be overcome by someone better. That was all. When their first assignment was given, she listened carefully. She did want to ask a question about the man's clothing, but their 'teacher' was already gone. Ah, well. One of her fellow new Apprentices spoke up, and she stepped quietly toward him. “I think we should spread out. We are quite a conspicuous group. More information is needed before we begin fumbling in alleyways.” With that, she stepped away and into the crowd, only to resurface a bit later at a market stall. There was an older woman running it, and she made a show of looking over the woman's wares while she asked innocuous questions about foreigners in the market lately. The man's eyes were green, and that wasn't anything she'd seen in anyone born in this city. Years of living pampered (and hampered) by the house's servants had taught her that servants knew a lot of information that higher up people simply ignored. This woman would know something- or could at least point her toward someone who would.