Amaya had be on time, if a bit later than some of the others. It had been quite the morning at the Fuwa House Hold. Between her most of her family wishing her luck and best wishes and her mother having one of her worst 'episodes' in recent memory it was a wonder she had made it at all really. While she sat among the group it was clear she was sitting 'apart' from them as well. a clear perimeter existed around where she sat. Partially caused by her reputation as...'prickly', and partially because she had arranged it thus. Crowds made her nervous. She grew up around the same 30 people her whole life and they were rarely ever in a group larger than 5 or 6. Getting used to crowded streets and classrooms had proved...challenging. She had made great progress to be sure, but all the same, she preferred a bit of space. To pass the time, and distract herself from the nagging anxiety of the growing group and the tingling anticipation of this next big step in her shinobi life, quietly doing some work with her medicine kit. She happened across some nice materials out here in training ground 22, and her family had thought her a unstoppable work effort if they had taught her anything. [i][b]'Medicines made today would not be wanted tomorrow'[/b][/i] mama always used to say. A faint, bitter smile curled her lips. Odd how the most pleasant memories of her mother came from such worst times for the world. She wouldn't be able to complete the recipe out here of course, but she could prep the ingredients and complete the needed step at home much quicker with them already processed. There were more faces here that she recognized than she had expected there to be, but she had a knack for recognizing people it seemed. New faces stuck out to her quick starkly given her isolated upbringing. She wondered why so many were called to one place after graduation from the academy. She thought squads were supposed to be...smaller than this. This seemed less like the gathering of a rookie ninja squad and more like the formation of a battalion. Though given the militaristic nature of the new ninja academy she guessed she should have been all that surprised by this. Still, the sun was rising higher...whatever they had been gathered here for would be starting soon enough.