"GENESIS!" The below echoed through the opulent manor home, and was answered by resounding silence. No one was in the house at the moment, well save for Maurine and the help. Genesis was situated on the edge of the property, hidden away in a decrepit greenhouse her mother had let fall into disrepair. Over the years of hiding from her mother, Genesis had made this her haven. A full computer setup hummed in the corner and a plush chair was situated in the corner. It was her own slice of heaven, and she intended on keeping it that way. With her blonde hair tied back Genesis was tapping idly on her keyboard, flashes of surveillance cameras coming up on her high definition screen. Nothing else, but this, is what Genesis used this little set up for. Being a little spy was easy when you had everything in the city at your disposal. A small notebook lay open beside the screen, names and dates were scrawled across the page. She had so much dirt on everyone in this goddamn town. The comings and goings of every teacher and police officer had fallen under her view in the past three years since the cameras had been installed. It had won the public in favor of Jones Pharmaceuticals by promising them that it would increase their safety, and it had done so. Every once in awhile Genesis would alert the local police chief if something horrible passed through, but to date she could count less times than she had fingers. It was late, and acrid smoke swirled through the greenhouse. She knew she would have to head back into the house soon, it was about that time for her mother to demand she eat dinner with her. Genesis groaned as she checked the time and went about shutting down her little operation, dreading heading back into the house.