[center][b]Game Details[/b][/center] [hider=Setting] The local setting will be along a political faultline currently rifting the fairy community of New York City in twain. The year is 2021 and here at a nexus of charm and mortal influence, the two Courts vie for territories and dreamers. Traditionally the Seelie court claimed New York as part of the Red Oak Dutchy which encompasses much of the Northeastern United States. However, since the 90s, Unseelie power in the Big Apple has grown, spreading out from the high tech financial districts on the isle of Manhattan. Were it not for 911 which eradicated many Unseelie warrens and severed many of their largest pocket dimensions, essentially banishing the fey within to hyperspace, the Unseelie would likely control most of the city. As it is, the Seelie experienced a resurgence in the wake of the terror attacks, preying on the weakened Unseelie fey and taking back lost ground. Currently, the Unseelie still hold much of the developed blocks of the island, but key sites remain in Seelie hands, notably the charm power houses of Broadway and Madison Square Gardens. While most borders on the main island are established, if not respected, Brooklyn remains in flux with warrens and pockets changing Court hands on a monthly basis. Even independent anarchistic fey have managed to take control of some territory amidst the chaos there. Central park, due to treaties between both Courts and the resident dryads remains neutral and unclaimed, allowing within its bounds, only permanent habitations of brownies and other naturally inclined fey of whom the tree-sisters approve. Under New York, a vast network of sewers has fostered a burgeoning goblin population which boils up periodically as a menace to both Seelie and Unseelie alike. Politically, New York is dominated by two powers. On one side the Sidhe Countess Magda, elderly and brooding, who lays claim to the city as her fiefdom granted to her two hundred and eleven years ago by the then King of the Americas, Nethiyan. Magda is old but cunning, rumored to be a master of many glamers, a sorceress with a particular talent for dreamcalling. She rules from the major Seelie Warren, the Spire, hidden within the apex of the Empire State building and connected to a vast dreamrealm which the Countess controls absolutely. On the otherside is not an individual, but a group, the Unseelie Council, a body made up of elected representatives from all allied warrens. This tumultuous democratic body is dominated by the machine elves but contains members from practically every common fairy species. Blundering and slow compared the autocratic Seelie monarchy, it is often the victim of the Summer Court's intrigue. Our New York will be slightly different from the nonfiction version, but still very recognizable. Set in the near future, this New York City is a far more 'intelligent' city with many public areas under constant surveillance, a danger to any fey travelling in the open. Infrastructure is highly automated and integrated and more than a few wily machine elves and gremlins have hacked their way into city systems, much to the chagrin of the Seelie. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Species: Court: Title: Appearance: (pic optional) Background: Personality: Talent: (choose one aptitude or advantage your character has, extremely flexible, silver tongued, etc.) Knack: (choose one skill your character is best at) Flaw: (choose how the GM will fuck with you) Major Skills: (choose three for a young fey (nymph), four for middle aged, and five for an elder) Glamers: (Distribute three points into up to three glamers plus one freebie point for your specie's unique glamer. One point is apprentice, two disciple, three master) Charms: (The charms you have stockpiled and any sources of charm your character has access to) Artifacts: (Any magical objects you own, constructs of dreammatter, pure or hybrid) Mount/Conveyance: Allies: Equipment: (Any purely mundane objects you own) [/hider] [hider=Rules] 1) Do not submit a character unless you intend to play and post regularly. I have no patience for flakes. They are like a migratory animal that kills RPs. 2) Understand that your character is not immortal. This is a hazardous setting and careless PCs can die. 3) No GM bullshit. The GM is forbidden from God moding the PCs or bending the setting's rules in order to create a certain desired outcome whether this be to aid or thwart the PCs. 4) Keep posts in 3rd person limited. No internal monologues. Barring glamer, we can't hear your character's thoughts. 5) Post weekly for side characters. Twice a week for main characters. Posts do not have to be novella length. One paragraph is often sufficient. [/hider] [center][b]CAST[/b][/center] Addar ibn Nahbeeh (Seelie Djinn Noble), played by Avery Calhoun Laoch Chosaintóir (Wandering Sidhe Knight), played by Pathfinder Guntha ('Inspirational' Troll Mercenary Band Leader), played by Cautious Cretin