(OOC: You don't have to make a cs if you don't want to ^^) For the first time since she arrived on Earth, Allura was blessed with peaceful dreams instead of the usual nightmares or meetings with her boss that watched from above. For once, she stayed fast asleep until the rays of the morning sun kissed her face, gently luring her from her dreaming state. When she first opened her eyes, the angel was slightly confused. She was in an unfamiliar house, yet she did not feel as if she was in any immediate danger. Glancing to her right, she noticed Akira sleeping away in a chair. Allura wondered if he had been uncomfortable but, from the relaxed look on his face, she figured that his night was as good as her own. Suddenly, she heard humming in another room of the cozy little home and it was soon followed by the sound of someone cooking. Sure enough, Allura got a whiff of something delicious and felt her mouth water in hunger, even though it is not necessary for her to eat food to survive. When was the last time she smelled something so appetizing as that? With that in mind, she slowly began to get out of bed, which was no easy task since her fast healing wounds were still a bit sore from her treatment. Allura managed to get on her feet without waking Akira and soon began to shuffle out of the room as quietly as possible. Once she was out into the hallway, the angel followed the smell of cooking food until she found what she'd been looking for: the kitchen. Inside, the elderly woman who treated her wounds the night before was busy cooking away on her iron cast stove. Pieces of meat were sizzling in its own grease in an iron skillet while a pot of something yummy boiled right beside it. Meanwhile, the woman was busy pulling out a tray of hand rolled biscuits. The sight was enough to make Allura drool on herself and she didn't notice that she was staring until the elderly woman cleared her throat. "Are you hungry, dear?" She asked in a motherly tone and the angel flushed slightly in embarrassment. "I...uh...yes..." She mumbled and shuffled over to the table but did not sit down immediately. "Do you need help with anything?" The angel inquired politely; she thought it was only right to offer her service to the woman who so kindly let her stay in her home. "Oh no, darling, I've got it. You just go on and take a seat there. I'll go on a fix your plate." Allura looked at the woman and was about to protest but soon realized that she was a stubborn one; so she sat down at the table, careful not to hit her thighs in the process. "How does your legs feel?" The elderly woman asked as she piled a spoonful of porridge, a fried strip of meat and two biscuits on a plate for Allura. "I'm still a bit sore, but I believe that I'm nearly fully healed now." The angel replied with a smile and eagerly accepted the plate from, but she didn't dig into her food. Not just yet. "May I ask who taught you how to treat wounds like that?" The old woman smiled a sad smile as she poured the both of them a cup of fresh milk. "Ah, my husband did. You see, I met him when I was about your age actually. I could tell that he was like no other man that I'd ever met before as soon as I laid my eyes on him." A far away look crossed the woman's face and Allura could see that she still loved her husband as much as she did back then. "I would sneak out of my parents home to look at stars in the night sky with him or to simply enjoy the midnight air. Yes, he was a mysterious one but I loved him regardless. A year or two passed and he proposed to me; of course my parents were a bit skeptical at first but I eventually convinced them to let me marry him." She added with a soft laugh before continuing on. "However, it was the night before out wedding that he revealed that he wasn't human at all. I was a bit confused at first--hell, I hadn't heard of angels and demons much before that day--but then he showed me his true form and I had no choice but to believe him. He thought I would hate him, that I would run away in disgust, but I didn't. I loved the man too much and we still got married as planned the next day. We could never have children, but it was fine with just the two of us and I enjoyed learning all about the world that I didn't know existed...that is, until people began to notice how I aged but he didn't. It was about 10 years ago when they finally found out that my husband was a demon. They stormed our home one night and set it on fire. My husband helped me escape while holding back both the people and the fire but he was eventually overwhelmed and killed." A sad sigh escaped the woman's lips and she paused to take a sip of her milk before continuing. "I've been living here alone ever since then but it's not as bad as it sounds...especially since you and your little friend arrived her last night....speaking of which, there he is now." She said with a smile that still held a hint of sadness and gestured for Akira to come and take a seat. "Come, sit. We have things to discuss this morning."