[b]With a small nod to Fenrir, Rose took her seat, staying still as her husband gently pushed her chair in & took his own seat. Willow watched the two of them awkwardly interacting & found herself holding in a small, relieved smile. Although things had started off roughly last night, the couple seemed to be getting along fairly well. They were even affected by being close to each other, something that would probably work in their favor in the future. "Rose, what would you like to do today?" Willow asked as the food began to be passed around the table. Rose looked like she was thinking for a moment as she put an egg on her plate, having not really thought forward to that point yet. She'd been so sure that she was getting dragged to Fenrir's home last night. "I should probably go into town & sell cakes like usual," Rose finally decided, putting a roll on her plate now, "I should start informing the people of the village that I will probably leave soon." Willow nodded at Rose's agreement, hearing the sound of resignation in her grandchild's voice. it stung a little, but there was nothing she could so about Rose's sour attitude now. Hopefully Rose would forgive her soon, though. She'd never imagined getting the cold shoulder from the young woman would hurt as badly as it was.[/b]