[quote=So Boerd] Flooby, rather than leave my vassals choice, would it be possible for you replicate and divide the army I posted amongst the vassals? It may not divide evenly in 3 though, but I would not begrudge rounding. [/quote] That was actually the original plan. Once I get everyone's vassals out, I'm just going to divide up the forces you already have. Simple for you guys, simple for me. Sorry for the wait, y'all. It's 3am, but today and tomorrow are my off days, so idgaf. Fucking love CK2 and EUIV. Got all the dlc for both games. Probably why I can't afford to eat more than toast. And Mono, your vassals were meant to be funny. So, 'spose they succeded in their purpose. @ Toaw: You're totally allowed to do that. There's going to be numbers concerning anything economic, but things like intrigue and battles are much better decided by roleplay. @ MouseKing: Beeyatch, fix 'yo shit, or you ain't 'gettin no vassals. @ Nexerus: I 'member you. I also remember that argument we had over your king. You're free to make a sheet. Just thought I'd remind you. Yup. Just a reminder. no great ill comes to thee