From their vantage point the trio of heroes observed the crowd of costumed heroes and the subtle clues that were revealed about personalities, motivations, relationships and much more. There were some in attendance that were of particular interest. Zenith indicated Neutro, the giant metal protector of the innocent, "He doesn't look to comfortable here." Olympia agreed, "Who would if they were his size? Still, his powers are impressive, he's professional, and he's got a lot of scientific know-how. He'd be a pretty damn solid member of the team." Pariah nodded, "Indeed, he's one of the best candidates here. I'm not as sure about Arachnid next to him." Zenith raised his eyebrow, "And why is that? She's with the NYPD." "Yes. But she her files states that she has issues dealing with anger. And I found out she has a history of being involved in gangs," Pariah narrowed his eyes at that. Zenith knew his friend had no love at all for gangs. Zenith said, "That may be so. But she turned herself around. She got a fresh start. And people can change, Eric." Pariah said nothing and simply grunted in reply. Zenith shook his head but left it at that. He noticed a strange man in a motorcycle outfit, "How about him? Anyone know what's his deal?" Olympia spoke up, "Ketsuryu Shinobu. He calls himself Oni. He's a nightmare to anyone he deems unjust. He's got quite the bloody reputation in Japan, been a warrior since the time of the Samurai, or so my friends in the Shinto pantheon tell me. He's also muscle for the Giovanni Vampire clan. They're a nasty group even amongst Vampires, Necromancers and Dominators, and I don't know why he's here." Pariah said, "I'm the one who invited him." Zenith raised his eyebrows, "And why'd you'd do that?" In all their years of partnership, Zenith knew that Pariah never did anything without a reason, or six. The man had plans upon plans. Pariah said, "The Giovannis have a crime network that expands all over the Old World and has it's tendrils here. They're a brutal group among the Supernatural world and the Mundane Underworld. We're going to have to deal with them sooner or later. I plan to burn their whole operation, down to the roots. And despite his bloodthirsty nature, Oni is a self-styled honorable warrior. No doubt he's a spy but we can use him against the Giovannis in any number of ways." Olympia whistled, "Damn, Eric. What'd they ever do to you." Pariah simply said, "Nothing. This isn't personal. Just business." Zenith spoke up, "Well in any case, we can't really trust him. Keep an eye on him Eric, he could be a useful resource but he's also a snake in the grass. If he gets to be a problem, I'll trust you to take care of it. Preferably non-lethally." Pariah nodded, "Of course." Olympia chuckled, "Of course if he's too much for you could always call me." Pariah said nothing and Olympia sighed her head in mock-regret. She noticed a man in a suit with a mask standing near Oni, "Who's that? I don't recognize him as one of the magical types." Pariah shook his head, "No, he's a metahuman. Wenchang. My contacts in Shanghai identify him as Tom Li. He was an information broker and a good one until he got worked over by a gang. Apparently he manifested his powers after that and retreated from public life for awhile before becoming a Vigilante. No one really knows why but I've heard he's quite the nihilist. He has access to a pocket dimension." Zenith rubbed his chin, "Interesting. He might be useful and he seems slightly more trustworthy than that Oni, he's one to look out for. I think I know the girl next to him. Blast Girl, she's a metahuman in Los Angles, street-level vigilante. She has personal gravity control and she's proven herself against the Maestro and Mr. Crystal." Olympia chuckled, "She's a little young for this work and a little eager. But for a street-level hero, she's done pretty well." Pariah grunted, 'Maestro and Crystal are jokes. She's cocky and inexperienced. We already have a real gravity-controller, Graviton is much more useful then her. Who knows what would happen if she went up against serious villains like Permafrost or Shredder. Or even the Harlequin." Zenith sighed, "It's not the power, Eric. It's how you use it. You of all people should know that. She's got real potential and I'm not willing to write her off just yet. Let's give her the chance to prove herself. And you just elected yourself to be her instructor." Pariah glared at Zenith who simply smiled, before he shook his head and returned to silence. Zenith continued speaking, "Speaking of street-level, I see Eclipse. She's got an interesting power set to say the least and she's an outspoken Metahuman activist. She's got a good reputation but she seems a little out of her depth. Hopefully she can rise to the challenge." Pariah spoke again, "She used to be quite affluent before she ran away and got off the grid. We don't know how she'll work in a team." Pariah indicated Hi-Voltage, "He's a well established hero in his country, he's taken down some heavy-duty villains with professionalism. Zenith and I have worked with him before. He's somewhat aloof from the public eye however." Olympia snickered, "Coming from you, that's pretty rich. My buddies in the Round Table say he's solid. He's got a chip in his shoulder for Obsidian in particular, they say it has to do with Obsidian's rampage in London but no one knows for sure." Pariah nodded, "My sources say the same. It just so happens there's been rumors that Obsidian has been sighted in the States." Olympia cocked her head, "You think he's here to get some revenge." Pariah nodded, "Almost undoubtedly. It's likely he means to use the League as a means to confront him." Zenith interjected, "He's a solid hero and we could use another good electrokinetic like Lightning Rod. But we need to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't lose his way. I'll ask Strix to watch him." Olympia nodded her head at Strix who was sitting by himself, "Speaking of crazy, there he is. I'm still not to sure about him." Pariah said, "He's a dependable resource. He's a good fighter and his gadgets are comparable to Savant's creations. He may be a little... unbalanced but that may be why he's as good a detective if not better than myself. Besides, his funds pay for a lot of this." Zenith nodded, "Strix may be odd but he's one of our friends and we know we can rely on him. And who knows? He might be onto something with that whole Conspiracy business." Olympia shrugged, "Whatever. I know I can depend on Sonja over there," the demi-god indicated the Spirit of St. Louis seated next to a masked girl, "She's one of the best practitioners I know. She helped Luna and I deal with that rogue werewolf pack a year or so back and of course there was the whole business with the catfish people. Nautilus and I would've had a lot more trouble with that if it wasn't for her. And she's powerful, the White Fellowship of Sorcerers, Dr. Destiny included, have been trying to get her to join their American branch for a couple years now. Though I do admit she has a thing for showmanship." Pariah said, "That's an understatement. She may be useful but she's a corporate shill and she makes a whole lot of money from it. Her potential membership is nothing more than her sponsors trying to cash in on the publicity." Olympia cut in, "That's unfair to say Eric. She's not in it for the money, Sonja's a good person. Her powers stem from the confidence of her city and after the incident in at a casino she took a hit. She's here to help people, but she doesn't mind getting something else from it. We can't all live in warehouses." Zenith said, "From what I've heard Sonja is a dependable hero. Time will tell whether her allegiances lie with her sponsors or with the public but I feel she'll make the right choice when the time comes. I don't know who the girl she's talking to is however." Pariah answered, "All my sources can say is she's a street-level practitioner with some success dealing with petty crime." Olympia spoke up, "I know a few people operating in the area, and they say she's named Belladonna. She's a rookie for sure, but she seems to have some potential. Maybe rubbing shoulders with more established sorcerers will give her the edge she needs." Zenith nodded, "I agree. She'll have plenty of chances to prove herself in the near future." Olympia quirked her eyebrow when the visually impressive St. Michael landed in the gathering, "Oh gods. That guy." Zenith raised his eyebrow, "St. Michael? He's a good hero. Good reputation, standing among the public. Solid powers. I've worked with him before and he's always been dependable." Olympia sighed, "Yeah and he's got a stick up his ass the size of the Empire State building. Me, Specter, and Reaver worked with him to deal with the undead rising in Graceland cemetery and he got one look at Reaver's horns and tail and looked sideways at him the whole time. Same thing with Specter and her spirit powers. And the whole time he kept telling me to forsake false idols. He's got some pretty strong opinions, is all I'm saying. Add in his powers and he always made me a little nervous. Him and all the other Abrahamic types in general. Well, except for Golem. He's cool. And Genesis. And Lazarus. Ok, it's mostly those Angel types ok?" Pariah added, "His allegiance to the Catholic Church could also prove problematic if any conflict of interest arises." Pariah, was himself not religious, one couldn't very well logically be an atheist in this day and age, but he was wary of religious-inspired heroes. At least Olympia didn't advocate worshipping the greek gods. Zenith replied, "He's a responsible hero and a powerful one. We'll need him in the days to come. I'm sure some time among the team will lighten him up a little." Zenith caught sight of the eccentric Warp and he smiled, "Ha. There's someone we can count on." Olympia asked, "Who's that?" Pariah, "Warp. Gate teleporter. Former Olympian athlete. He's a... useful asset." Olympia smiled, "Sounds like you two aren't on the best of terms." Zenith grinned, "He's just sore because Warp keeps giving him fashion tips. Says black is too pedestrian." Pariah muttered, "And the time he sent me to the middle of a Victoria's Secret department store." Zenith laughed, "That's because he was saving you from being crushed by Goliath." Pariah said only, "He's a useful resource and dependable, I admit. His expertise with the Gambino crime family may be useful." Olympia said, "How is a guy like that connected to the Gambino's?" Zenith said, "His uncle is the Gambino crime boss. His mother tried to keep him away but word got out about his sexuality and he basically ran from home. He's been helping Pariah deal with the Gambinos and time is coming when we'll have to take care of them. They're starting to move into higher-stakes crime to compete with the supervillains and a lot of people are getting hurt. There's even rumors they're making deals with Supernatural crime organizations." "Like the Giovannis?" "No one knows for sure but that's been going around." Olympia smiled, "Lovely. We might be able to kill two birds with one stone. Or two. Or whatever." The trio spent the next several minutes discussing several other prominent heroes or candidates of promise in attendance including Apogee, Zenith's cousin who had the same set of super-powers. Eventually Zenith said, "Ok, I think it's time for me to make my speech. Start lining up with the others." Suddenly the conversation in the courtyard was interrupted by the smooth, amplified tones of Sonata, "Ladies and Gentlemen. Please direct your attention to the stage. In a few short minutes the Founding members and the Leading Council will assemble and Zenith will give his address. Please be respectful and courteous at all times to your fellow heroes and the speaker throughout the proceedings." [url=] Fast and upbeat techno music [/url] began playing and with a roar from the sky a rainbow-colored airplane appeared in the sky. A figure in a shimmering aura jumped out and a glowing parachute made of multiple colors materialized as the figure, who could now seen to be a woman descended on the stage. Sonata said, "Coming from San Francisco, California is Aurora! The Imagineer!" The playful african-american woman blew kisses at the crowd, projecting multiple floating multi-colored lip prints that planted themselves on several heroes before dissipating. She bowed to the applause as she materialized a small fireworks display and took her place on the stage. Sonata continued speaking as [url=] fast-paced, frantic, and passionate music [/url] started up, "From Detroit, Michigan I give you-" A silverly blue blue swept through the crowd, startling and surprising many, before the blur stopped and resolved in the form of a smiling young hispanic-american man, "Nitrous. The fastest man alive!" Nitrous went through the crowd at lightning speed, shaking hands and telling jokes before rushing back to the stage and smiling even wider at the applause. [url=] Simple yet powerful music played [/url] as Sonata said, "The favorite daughter of Boston, Massachusetts, I give you Psion!" An Asian-American woman suddenly appeared seemingly from nowhere on the stage to some surprise, "The world's greatest Mind!" The woman nodded at the crowd, and the entire assemblage heard the telepath mentally greet all of them. It seemed as if the renowned telepath had used her powers to shield herself from everyone's notice until now. Her display elicited even more applause as she took her place next to Aurora and Nitrous. [url=] Fast-paced drums and melodic chanting materialized [/url] as a bird dove from a flock that flew over the Hall. "Here from New York city, I give you Menagerie!" The small bird turned into an eagle that screeched above the crowd before dropping to the crowd and suddenly it was a dog. The dog ran through the crowd and changed into a leaping horse who landed on the stage. As it turned the horse became a lion. The lion roared mightily and suddenly changed into an elephant that took up half of the stage. It cried to the skies before bowing and resolving into the form of an indian-american man, "The Animal Man!" [url=] Booming music of epic scale started pounding [/url] as the sky darkened with sudden clouds. Sonata proclaimed, "Out of Albuquerque, New Mexico here come's Rainmaker! The Living Storm!" The clouds parted as a native american woman draped in mist floated down to the stage. A halo of electricity crackled above her head and as she stood on the stage, the dark clouds disappeared as soon as they materialized but not before producing a massive crack of lightning. Rainmaker inclined her head at the crowd and didn't seem to register the applause, taking her place next to the others. [url=] Ethereal tones filled the air [/url] when a wing-shaped silhouette appeared over the crowd. The heroes strained to see a muscular Caucasian man fly over them, massive wings beating in the air and wearing a helmet in the shape of a bird of prey. The man swooped down with amazing speed, creating massive gusts of wind as he flew over the stage and hovered for a few moments, "Flying in from Seattle, Washington I give you Raptor! The Hawk!" Raptor landed and folded his wings with a bow. [url=] Choral chants [/url] broke through as Sonata cried out, "From Miami, Florida I present Olympia!" The stage alighted with a blinding flash of light and when the crowd looked back they saw Olympia draped in full greek armor with sword and shield in hand. The applause was more thunderous than ever, "The daughter of Hercules!" Olympia smiled and bowed to the cheers as she stepped back in line. [url=] Subdued and eerie sounds [/url] suddenly appeared as Sonata simply stated, "From New York City, here is Pariah." One second the shadowy protector of New York wasn't there, the next he was. No flashy display, no sounds. Nothing at all. Psion had used her powers but Pariah had simply materialized seemingly out of nowhere. The applause was more subdued as some resented Pariah's presence among the superpowered heroes. Others were simply uneasy, "The Dark Avenger." Pariah did not acknowledge the crowd and simply took his place in the line. [url=] Finally, the air was filled with uplifting tones. Filled with the feeling of hope and light. [/url] Sonata almost yelled out, "And from Chicago, Illinois. One who needs no introduction," A figure draped in a fluttering blue cape, drifted down to the stage to thunderous applause. He smiled and set down on the stage in the center with Parian and Olympia to either side, "Zenith! The First Hero!" Zenith waited for the cheering to die down and he smiled at the crowd. "I'll try to keep this as short as possible, we have a lot of work ahead. Hello, I think you all already know who we are," there was some laughter at that, "But it is with our warmest regards that we welcome you, heroes of the future, to the League of Heroes!" The crowd broke out in applause again and Zenith patted the air to calm them down, "You're all here today because you believe. You believe that we can use our powers and abilities for good. You believe that together we are greater than the sum of our parts. And you believe that together we can make the world a better place." "Each of you brings something different to the table. Whether it is metahuman powers, supernatural abilities, or natural talents. Whatever it is you can do, we're all willing to make sacrifices for the good of the people. Even the ultimate one. Up until now, heroes have been scattered and unorganized. We've been doing things on our own. But no longer. Now the Heroes of the World must unite so that we can be proactive and bring real change to the World, not just put out fires." "With this League we can create a structured, organized, superhero community dedicated to spreading Truth, Justice, and Hope to every man, woman, and child on Earth. No more running around like a bunch of cowboys. Or cowgirls," Zenith glanced at the heroines on stage and another round of laughter made it's way through the crowd. "We must become an example to the world, an ideal that people can believe in. And with that it mind we will begin the process of certification to become a League member. You will all undergo an initiation process to verify that you are ready to bear the responsibility of being in the League. This initiation will consist of physical tests as well as one-on-one evaluation from an existing League member. I expect most, if not all of you gathered here today to pass this initiation with flying colors. Are you up to the challenge?" Another round of cheers, this one the loudest of all rang out and lasted several seconds. Psion cocked her head and her voice appeared in his head. [i] Trouble [/i] Zenith thought, [i] What is it? [/i] [i] Supervillain incursions around the city. About three major groups. Nobody major but we need to deal with it. Binary called it in. Should we deploy? [/i] [i] No, I have a better idea [/i] Zenith smiled at the crowd, "You're in luck. Multiple villains have been sighted around the city and are wreaking havoc. This is your chance to prove yourselves. I'll be taking small groups of volunteers to deal with these threats, each lead by an existing League member. Do well, and you can consider yourself in the League. Everyone who wishes to do so, can follow Olympia to the gunships. She will decide who goes where and with whom. " The Demi-God raised her sword and waited at the side of the stage, and a stream of heroes immediately started making a beeline for her. "Everyone else can wait here and continue socializing. Your trials will begin shortly. Good luck." Zenith rose into the air and sped away to deal with some of the supervillain incidents. Leaving the assembled heroes to choose whether they would enter into combat so soon or stay behind and try their luck at the initiation.