[centre][img]http://desktop.freewallpaper4.me/view/original/3539/post-apocalyptic-city.jpg[/img] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/38864/posts/ooc?page=1]OOC[/url] [url=http://widget00.mibbit.com/?settings=c2129339a43d8c49d86c34fa8dff7610&server=irc.foonetic.net&channel=%23JediExile]IRC[/url] [b]Please, Please. Post your uncompleted sheets in the Out of Character thread. All discussion also goes to the out of character thread, this thread is for completed sheets only.[/b] You cannot be a Lord, Knight, Elite Guard or member of the Royal family [i]currently[/i]. You can however be a regular Policeman/Guardsman. Unless you have been in the resistance since its inception(The real movement is just beginning) or are a guard please limit combat skills. Training has to be done in secret. [/centre] [quote=Application] [b]Name: Age: Gender: Appearance(Image and/or text. If just image please state the differences): Clothing(If multiple items of clothing are owned/differ from image): Role in Society: Current Member of the Resistance:(Yes/No) Skills: Equipment(If anything): History(At least 3 decent length Paragraphs): Triva(Anything else you think we should know): [/quote] [centre]Thankyou for your time.[/centre]