[b]Name:[/b] Devon Cowen [b]Age:[/b] 44 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Physical Description:[/b] If there's one word that described Devon, it was powerful. From his 6'7 stature, to his rippling physique, he was a force to be reckoned with. But that was a long time ago. Now, while still quite imposing, his stance is a little hunched, his muscles aren't as toned, and the fire of youth has simmered in his eyes, replacing it with the wisdom of old age. His once great mane of wild, dirt blond hair has became tame with but a simple comb and the grey of age has begun to creep in at the temples and beard, giving him a certain attractiveness that only comes at his age. Laugh lines are visible at the corners of his eyes and mouth, which gives him a friendly, fatherly look. However, not too noticeable to most people, he has burn scar on the palms of his hands and a lightning scar along his chest, and the nerve damage to boot. [b]Skillset:[/b] Before his injuries he got during the final battle, Devon was one of the best warriors of the group when it came to single combat. As the son of a knight, he decided that he also needed to become one as well. While he never did become a knight, he did learn how to fight with a sword and shield, how to move in heavy armor, and to ride a horse. However, his days of fighting are over. With the nerve damage and age catching up to him, he chose to switch gears. Gaining knowledge in the brewing arts and a little herbal know how from the family alchemist, Devon is now a competent brew master and as such, spends a lot of his time making booze. [b]Far Ancestry:[/b] The Cowen family has always been warriors, from lowly bandits to pious knights. There has been a warrior in the Cowen family in every single generation. As far as the tree goes, Devon's great, great, great grandfather was a bandit chief of great infamy. He would pillage villages and sack great castles. That is until he met the true killer of men, women. When he had found the love of his life, she had convinced him to leave the bandit life behind and go live their lives. So he did. After telling his men he was leaving a great uproar came from the other bandits demanding who would be leader, upon hearing this he simply said that he didn't care and the gang soon locked heads. After several years of this the once great bandit clan was wiped out from within. After leaving the clan behind, he decided to become the backer of a up an coming lord, being the man behind the man so to speak. Several years of this and he became a king and gave land which would later become the ancestral lands of the Cowen clan.Ever since then, seeing how war could become profitable, he decided that the family needed warriors. So he established the tradition that each father would teach the first born to be a warrior, this continued until no one remembered why they did it, only that they did. [b]Character History:[/b] Devon was just like every first born of Clan Cowen. Strong, skilled, and courageous. At this time, all little Devon wanted to do was become a knight, like his father. So they trained and trained and trained until young Devon was eligible for knighthood. Yet, a month before his scheduled knighting ceremony, his land was attacked by bandits and his home eventually destroyed. His father and the rest of his family had died and he was all alone, without money, food, or companionship. What he did have was a dingy set of armor, a sword, and the family necklace. Since he didn't have the money to pay for the be-knightment ceremony, he saw no alternative but to become a sell sword, or mercenary as some would say. After several years of this, he gained a reputation as a trustworthy soul and nobles started to hire him to transport them and their goods. However this work was proving to be boring, he decided to become an adventurer, travel the world. He definitely had the money to afford it. Along his travels he saw many horrible things, bandit pillagers, monsters of different shapes and forms, and magic. But he also saw many beautiful things, like what the world looked underneath the summit of a mountain, the glitter of the night sky without the pollution of cities, and the warmth of companionship. It was during these travels he happened across the group of travelers who he would one day call his friends. Devon counts these days some of his best times of his life Drinking contests with Ongar, debates with Rickas, war stories with Kanros, marveling over the applications of alchemy with Resa, and talking herbs with Seeker. This rag tag bunch of misfits became something more than friends, they became the family he had wanted growing and during his long career he would lay down his life to protect them. Which is something he almost did during the final battle with Cyrabassis and Pykas. Once the battle begun, Cyrabassis struck Devon with some type of magic, activating the long dormant powers of the family necklace. Acting as a battery, the necklace absorbed the magical energies coming form the spell and rendered it useless, at the cost of converting the magic into a new form of power, lightning. Since electricity is a naturally occurring phenomena, the family heirloom did nothing to contain it and it ran rampant throughout Devon's body. However, this did not stop Devon and for better or for worse he shrugged the worst off and charged at Cyrabassis. This foolhardy tactic earned him another, more powerful spell to the chest. The heirloom hadn't been able to release any magic from the previous spell and, like an overloaded battery, causing the pent up magic to explode outward in a wave of force. The kickback of the explosion flung Devon accross the room and colliding into a wall, crumpling in a heap on the floor. However there was a silver lining to this, with so much magic flung at one person, Cyrabassis's reserves were greatly diminished and allowing the rest of the group to have an even chance against him. Devon never really did recover physically from the ordeal, his hands were burnt to hell and the resulting nerve damage meant that he couldn't raise a shield and sword in his families defense as good as he used to, taking away the only thing he really knew how to do. In response, Devon grew depressed and decided to hide it by swamping himself in work, helping to train the Dara city guard. While he couldn't hold a sword like he used to, his reputation as a warrior still rang true among the people. During this time, he met with and befriended an elderly tavern owner by the name of Barkley. During their brief friendship, Devon was taught everything Barkley knew about owning a Tavern. From keeping the glasses clean to brewing ale. Devon discovered something he never thought he could find again, something he actually actually enjoyed. Soon after, Barkley became ill and when he died he left everything to Devon. Unfortunately, this also meant the mountain of dept he owed to the local..."Protection agency". Even though it was less than ideal, Devon took up the challenge and flipped the place upside down. Paying the dept and turning the dingy little hovel into one of the best taverns in the city, if you didn't mind a little roughness around the edges. As the "Adventurers Rest" started to turn a profit, Devon found that he had too much gold and not enough to do with it. So he started to expand his horizons. It started with a market stall, then another, and another, until he had bought out about ten of them and each paying him a percentage of sales. After the stalls, Devon purchased the property deed of a rundown inn, flipped it, then made even more gold. Sensing a new future, Devon started buying and renovating different types of buildings. From market stalls, inns, and forges, to cart builders, ranches, and farms. He even bought out a trading company and so his ales can be sold across seas. Eventually, the nigh endless amount of gold being made grew boring for Devon. Getting a little tip from an "anonymous source" Devon got involved in the thieves guild and became an information broker of sorts. With all the land, inns, and taverns underneath his control, Devon was able to amass a large amount of contacts, if you needed something, Devon could get it to you. While a little more cloak and dagger than he would have liked, without his hands he couldn't do what he could before the battle, so it was a nice distraction. During this time, Devon met a girl named Fiona. Devon was introduced to her by the guild master and the two hit it off from there. After almost a year and a half, the two got married and Fiona quit the guild, with a little petty thievery from time to time. After several years of happy marriage, Fiona became pregnant and a little under nine months later Audrey was born. While it was the happiest moment in Devon's life, it was also marked with his worst tragedy. Fiona died of complications and Audrey almost died as well. Devon was never a praying man, but on that day he prayed to every god he new to keep them alive. While Audrey did take her mothers life, Devon does not resent her for it, he knew that things like this happen and that there is no use hating a child for it. With Audrey growing up, Devon was hit with a problem, should she be raised as a Cowen or as a normal child. Thinking long and hard on what Fiona had wanted, Devon became the first Cowen in generations to break tradition and raised Audrey with a normal childhood...Well, except for the self defense courses. With all of his business ventures and information coming in every which way, Devon has somehow kept sane by just keeping a low profile as a harmless bartender, with several thieves within ear reach within the bar at all times and he hears all of the gossip, rumors, and dirty secrets around Dara. Every now and then, another member of the old party comes down and visits, catches up on old times, and shares a laugh. Devon is now content to live his life, his injuries a little too great to allow him to take up the sword again and the things he has seen haven't allowed him to keep the optimism of youth in his old age. But he stays content, he has many profitable businesses, a loving daughter, and good friends. Truly there isn't anything else he could ask for. [b]Psychological Profile:[/b] Devon's number one strength will always be his determination. It was his determination that got him through his childhood, it was his determination that allowed him to survive two lighting bolts, it was his determination that got him off of his feet and start to live his life when he couldn't do what he loved to do. Even with all he has been through, Devon is determined to stay with his family and make sure they are all right and he will right them periodically, just to be sure. However the past still happened and due to that, magic is still something he fears and distrusts. To him, it seems irrational. Magic can be used for so much good, but he has seen it be used for too much evil for him to fully trust it. But he is a little biased, given that magic took his ability to adventure. He can't even leave the tavern during a thunder storm for fear of lighting. As the information broker, Devon keeps a cool, calculating mind. Making every decision with careful planning and help from a select few advisers. [b]Equipment:[/b] Smite: The sword used in the battle against Cyrabassis. Before then, it was used against many a foe and has proven to be a useful weapon throughout. Now days it sits along with the shield above the bar, more a trophy than anything now. Bulwark: A standard escutcheon pattern shield, it took the brunt of Cyrabassis's magical attack during that fateful day. Now its a little slagged and dented, a testiment and a badge of proof to what he survived. Adventure armor: His old set of armor comprising of chain mail, breast plate, and assorted furs. He lost the helmet during the battle with Cyrabassis and the gauntlets were rendered useless due to the magic coursing through them. He now keeps it in the back, a grim reminder of what he survived. Cowen family necklace: While most of it was destroyed when it overloaded, the core of it remains. Just a warped piece of gold that he wares with pride. [b]Titles/Holdings/Power Base:[/b] Owner of many businesses, Devon holds the ownership deeds of bars, taverns, inns, mills, breweries boats, stables, farms, and even a whole trade company. In this vain, Devon has many advisers, secretaries, and retainers under his employ. However, since he only publicly owns the "Adventurers Rest", Devon is just known as the Tavern Master. The only people close to him work wise is an elfish secretary by the name of Elen'way, a dwarfish cook called Rugen, Thora the barmaid, and his daughter Audrey who works the tables along with Thora. However in the thieves guild, he is known as the "Broker of Secrets" and what that entails is that he buys and sells of information. With that job, Devon has a legion of informants who update him constantly with new information, which is why he keeps Elen'way close. [b]Relationships[/b] [b]Kanros[/b]- Devon has respected Kanros ever since he saw him in action all those years ago. During the fights he held himself and was able to order the group around to be their most efficient in battle. However, as the years went on Devon found himself slightly jealous of his freedom, being able to go were he wanted to and when but he wont allow that to break their friendship. Now days, Devon is glad to serve him and his men as long as they stay away from Audrey. [b]Rickas[/b]- Rickas was always seemed a little odd to Devon. The man could con a banker out of ever gold piece he had but he always seemed much more intent to just talk, not that Devon minded. While definitely not as smart as Rickas in most things but he was smart enough to hold a conversation and the two would talk for hours when they were on the road. As the years went by, the two don't see each other as often but when they do its usually met with fine drinks and an exchange of secrets. With Devon's position in the thieves guild he is quite the valuable resource to a man like Rickas and Devon frequently sells his knowledge to him. At a discount. [b]Ongar[/b]- Back in their adventuring days the two had a friendly rivalry of sorts, which usually was who could kill more enemies than the other since Devon had very little skills outside of that. Devon deeply respects Ongar as both a warrior and a craftsmen. With their old age setting in, Devon watches Ongar when he enters his tavern and makes sure he doesn't drink himself stupid. However when Devon sees him this way it brings a certain sadness to him. Since Devon was unconscious for most of the final battle he never saw the other horrors the others have seen and he wonders if that is the reason he drinks so much. However a friend is still a friend and Devon stands vigil over him should he pass out, its the least he could do. [b]Resalenna[/b]- Devon always thought Resa was sticking, if he had been looking for someone at that time in his life he may have tried to court her but that time is long gone. Now days the two don't really see each other much, but the friendship is there. He even made her Audrey's godmother, should anything happen to himself. One of Devon's greatest fascinations with Resa was her ability to make the explosives, there was something about the balls of death that greatly satisfied him. Like the others, she is free to come to the tavern and take a load off whenever she wants. [b]Seeker[/b]- Devon has always been wary of Seeker, the two were almost polar opposites. Where as seeker was small Devon was tall. Seeker relied on speed while Devon needed strength. Where Seeker is angry Devon is calm. It is these differences that divided them while in the party but age has mostly sorted these out. Now the two have a professional relationship, whenever Seeker needs information his usual contacts can't get he would come to Devon and the thieves guild and since then he has gained a grudging respect for the man and his abilities.