[center]A world devoid of light. A world consumed by darkness. It was like a night without the moon and stars, like a bottomless chasm of utter nothingness. There was not a single path, not a wall or any surface for that matter. A space where one could float in tenebrosity, forget all they ever knew and lose all meaning to themselves. This abyss of oblivion, however, was not completely empty as it seemed. Many vague murmurings could be heard from every side, despite directions not clearly existing in this dimension. They were the whisperings of those who inhabited this place, known as the Keys Shop and who, quite suitably, bore the name of Keys for their species. Within this neverending evening ball, these souls spent their eternal time chattering among themselves or dwelling in their own thoughts, but nothing more, for they could neither see their compatriots, nor their own bodies. They could not find each other in the darkness, they could not touch each other, thus they could not be certain what intentions their companions had or if they were not simply talking to themselves. An existence of isolation it was. It was in a moment of rest, when he had decided to give himself a break from babbling with others, that the Leviathan Chronicler suddenly had to face the brightness of the message he had longed for. [/center] [center][img]http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu272/shadowwolfcat13/newcreate10_zps0159d12f.png[/img][/center] [center][youtube]cUC64N9yf44[/youtube][/center] [center][b]“Well, FINALLY!”[/b] he shouted enthusiastically. There was no method to calculate just how much time had passed since the last ‘take off’, yet it had certainly felt like ages and one thing this Key was known for was the lack of patience on many occasions. [b]“Oi, Vinny boy! I’m hitting the road!”[/b] he called out to his friend. [b]“I’ll see ya when I see ya.”[/b][/center] [center][img]http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh487/Shin-Rafale/synchro_zps63f2f1aa.png[/img][/center] [center]Loading Profile… Loading Stats… Loading Key… … [ Error ] [/center] The phone’s screen went black and stood still for a moment, before a small “error” box came up on the upper left corner and, soon enough,... [hider=...][center][img]http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu272/shadowwolfcat13/Stamps/tumblr_n2af5h9iKz1scaz74o1_500_zpsbe5f217c.gif[/img][/center][/hider] “Error” boxes flooded the screen, to the point where there were so many layers of them that the surface went white. Once this was complete, the phone suddenly flashed for a split second and unlocked itself. The first panel appeared normal, the same way Kai had last seen it. However, the situation quickly changed when a voice spoke in the young man’s head: [center][b]“Heeeeh, those are some pretty nice girls you have there.”[/b]a very short pause followed before the stranger, who was nowhere in sight, continued [b]“Hey, I’m not against 2D, but what the hell?! That’s, like, the only thing you’ve got! What a virgin!”[/b] he laughed. Music applications started opening rapidly one after another, without the human even doing a single action in order to do so. Playlists were scrolled through, a few songs playing for merely five seconds until they were switched for for something else. [b]“Boring. Slow. So totally L.A.M.E.”[/b] the unknown individual spoke in irritation. [b]“So not what I want.”[/b] With that, YouTube quickly opened and the first song was searched. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBUh3Zx8AqE&index=34]Nightcore - Getting away with murder[/url] The little circle skipped right up to the twentyeight second of the piece by Papa Roach in its “nightcore” version, when the lyrics of the first couplet were being sung. [i]“What creates my own madness. And I’m addicted to your punishment And you're the master And I am waiting for disaster”[/i] During that span of exactly ten seconds, the volume was being increased by an invisible force at at precisely 0:38 of the song it hit the maximum and the chorus began. [i]“I feel irrational So confrontational To tell the truth I am Getting away with murder It isn't possible To never tell the truth But the reality is I'm getting away with murder.”[/i] The mysterious person from before screamed along with the singer inside Kai’s head, obviously enjoying himself to the fullest, yet, at the end of the chorus, he sighed briefly and spoke again: [b]“Next.”[/b] What followed was another speeded version, this time of [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLZbVLnq3ig]Blue Stahli’s “ULTRAnumb”[/url]. In this case, a whole minute and seven seconds were skipped in favor of a rapid escalation of notes, which made the phone slightly jump in place. [i]“(Three, two, one) Violated So degraded The show has just begun (Three, two, one) Dominated By all you hated This will make you ULTRAnumb (Three, two, one)”[/i] [b]“Awesome, but I want something else. Hmm, what should it be...”[/b] the bizarre entity mused as he looked at the sidebar of videos next to the one currently running, whilst the Bret Autrey continued: [i]“Three, two, one Reality's a plague We're the medication A new manipulation Oversaturation Take advantage of what you deny”[/i] [b]“Oh, what’s this?”[/b] the spirit questioned in the lad’s head as the song [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQZ-XmfkkEY]“Blackstar” by Celldwer (Nightcore)[/url] was seemingly tapped, in order to replace “ULTRAnumb”. The beginning was in the electro style and interested him enough to keep it running, until about a minute passed and he felt annoyed by the guy’s voice. [b]“Uh, not bad but not my style. Sheeeesh, there’s nothing on this thing! And it’s getting kinda slow, too. Time to take a little trip!”[/b] [/center] Having voiced out this decision, a miniature green flash of lightning zapped over the mobile device and the item calmed down. Unfortunately, this was not the end of today’s oddities. The microwave on the worktop in the kitchen commenced beeping and the light bulb inside it went on and off. The same happened with the lamp above the human’s head afterwards and a light cracking along with snickering could be heard. Then all became silent in the confines of the kitchen, until a booming sound came from the bedroom. The computer had miraculously turned itself on and now files upon files were opening up and closing, whilst a window inside the browser had the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XQURnX_C_A]AMV “COLOLOR”[/url] running on YouTube, once again at maximum volume. Numerous items were bouncing, due to the intensity of the sound, a couple of stacks of video game boxes and figures falling off from the shelves to the ground below. The windows and the glass desk were vibrating with the beat and the colourful LED lights twitched along as well. Chaos was turning this room into a mess and a certain someone, who was the cause of this all, did not care the least. [b]“Hehehe, seems like my new master actually has a thing for the 2D. What a bummer~ I’m stuck with a total virgin agaaaain. What a loser.”[/b] the same voice, only a bit more digital, could be heard coming from the speakers. [b]“Can’t be helped, though.”[/b] As sudden as this disturbance had been, it just as quickly died down with the depleting of the volume to no more than a whisper of [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s886o1Qfe1o]the instrumental of “My crush was a monster boy”[/url]. Each and every folder was abruptly minimalized down in the toolbar strip, in order to clear the stage for the devious villain, who had not even knocked on the door of Kai’s peaceful everyday life before tearing it down and letting in the nonsense. [center][b]“So, you’re this Kai person?”[/b][/center] A young man, probably in the middle of his twenties, appeared out of the blue on the computer screen up to his waist. He wore a black jacket, underneath of which was a white shirt, and a grey scarf loosely tied around his neck. Staring straight at the youngster in front of him, his short black hair did in no manner get in the way of his strikingly sharp green gaze from piercing through the human, who had entered the bedroom only moments ago. [b]“Your face has loser spelled all over it.”[/b] he let out a sigh of disappointment, one hand on his waistline. [b]“Well, whatever. Time to get these stupid formalities out of the way.”[/b] With that, he smiled and began the explanation he knew by heart after all those years of repeating it again and again. [b]“Nice to meet you. Shut up, so I can tell you what’s going on. Today you received a messa-”[/b] the man was cut short when the antivirus window suddenly popped up and hit him in the face, the words “Virus Detected” written on it. [b]“**** you! Stupid antivirus ****!”[/b] he cursed and promptly deleted the antivirus system. [b]“In aaany case”[/b] the ring of absolute annoyance now in his voice [b]“Long story short, I’m the key you bought. The Leviathan Chronicler. My Code Name is Rasui. The other fellows from my place call me that. It’s like a second first name or whatever.”[/b] he waved his hand dismissively, but then became serious and pointed at the human [b]“Let me get one thing straight here, Kai Maav. There’s no way I’m going to waste my time in this dump. This place’s a mess, totally not my kind of hang out. So, lets not waste any time and get with the program. Open the Key Shop app on your phone, choose a username and lets get cracking.”[/b] he told the boy, but added with less irritation. [b]“Oh, yah, and then there’s the name you’re supposed to give me. I’m not all that picky, but no lame girly stuff or random objects!”[/b]