The light of day began to seep through the windows of Delilah's apartment, this caused the Halfling to stir and cover her eyes. [i]Another day...[/i] Slowly, the girl sat up. Her hair stuck out in all directions and her eyes were distant, a forlorn expression was plastered on her face. It was hard to get Delilah going in the morning, but she knew she would have to get up eventually. Delilah got out of bed and began her daily routine; Brush her hair, brush her teeth, change, fix the bed, then the rest of the morning would be hers. Before the girl would leave her small apartment, she would stare into the bathroom mirror. She was so used to being in her Glamour that sometimes Delilah would forget what she originally looked like, but this was a consequence of living in a human town. She then left. Her purse was stuffed with papers for a book she was currently working on, usually she would right in the cafe, she would practically write anywhere when she had the time to. As Delilah walked down the street to head to the cafe, her heels clicked on the ground in a slow methodic rhythm.