Delta preformed the same routine every morning. She got up, went for a walk, ate breakfast, and got a shower. This has been her routine ever since she was a kid, and the people at her old asylum had encouraged it. Her hair was still damp when she came into the common area followed by Tinkerbell. She looked around the room hoping to see Dawn, one of her hallucinations, sitting somewhere waiting for her, but she didn't. Luckily she didn't see Jolene, her other hallucination, either though. Whith the help of her medicine and therapy she only sees Jolene two or three times a week, but she sees Dawn pretty much everyday. Since Dawn wasn't there Delta looked at the other patients trying to decide if she wanted to talk to any of them. She had seen Esther and Aiden when she arrived yesterday, but yesterday she didn't talk to them or anyone else since she had let Jolene's accusations get to her. She was doing much better this morning, and she spotted a new face in the room. She went over to the table Griffin was sitting at and pulled out a chair. "May I sit?" She asked smiling. Delta always tried to be polite, even on her bad days. On bad days her speech was very impoverished, minimal, but on good days her speech was pretty much normal other than being a little under embellished. "I'm Delta. Nice to meet you."