It had been a long night for Kaz. There was a disturbance in northern Michigan, not far from where he was spending some much needed downtime; after all he wanted to be in top form for the gathering of heroes he was expected to attend the next day. A relatively small time gang of troublemakers, who called themselves the Advent of Humanity, had captured a government official and fled to Manistee National Forest where they had built a compound. Kaz had no idea what demands they were making, and he had no interest in it at all: when those with strength threaten the weak, they shall be punished by the just. It had taken hours to put an end to their game, and clean up the mess. It was now much later than Kaz had planned on leaving for Chicago, which meant he and Wahaya would have to run through the night. Several hours, and a couple hundred kilometres later, Kaz arrived at his destination. Fortunately he was one of the earlier heroes to the event, it gave him time to grab a quick bite and find a nice place to rest his weary body. He and Wahaya moved to the edge of the courtyard and took a seat beneath a tall oak tree. From his sheltered vantage point, he watched the various heroes arriving and interacting with one another. Though removed from the main forum, his heightened hearing picked up everything. He studied the fellow prospects carefully, listening to their boasts, watching how they carried themselves, trying to gain an understanding for their demeanour. Based on his experiences, and what he observed, he began to mentally separate the experienced fighters from the relatively nubile. He wondered if the league could really refine this group into a strong force against evil in all its forms, and for the sake of the world, he sure hoped so. When the proceedings finally began, Kaz was pulled from his deep thoughts. With a wide smile, he got to his feet and headed towards the front of the stage; Wahaya following close behind. With complete grace and fluidity of motion, they swept through the amassing crowd and quickly made it to the front. In respect for their valour, Kaz watched the founding members and carefully hung on every word Zenith spoke. ‘Surely’ he thought with pride, ‘I have made the right choice, to align with them.’ Once the announcement of another disturbance was made, Kaz became very serious. He did not know the nature of the criminal activity, but he was certain that it must be serious for the founding members to be attending it on a day like today. Without any hesitation, Kaz made for the gunships, stopping just in front of Olympia. With a confident smile, he nodded to her “I’m ready to go, if you’ll have me.”