[b]Aurora >> Kathar Outskirts >< Rusty Brewer[/b] Once the olds mans speech was done, agreeing to the quest. She was still in silence as she began to hear the old man thanking the fire-headed girl known as [b]Cerise[/b] she smiled, exhaling as she wasn't the only mage and woman here or..she would be midly uncomfortable. Tapping her foot against the chair her head raised as she looked towards Nerom. He seemed 'scary' but not in a bad way he was quiet, real quiet and he made a face that he didn't seemed interested in the quest. She only sighed, random thoughts going through her brain until the heard the old mans voice once more. She looked up once more, seemingly quiet until the old man began to speak. She listened carefully as the old man explained the quest. Once he was done..she just stared. Silent nothing more than a quiet sounds of the night, birds flying into trees tending to there home and baby and the crickets making there usual noise. Her mouth opened as her jaw felt like it was going to drop onto the ground then she began to speak, " Guardians? Do we know there weaknesses? " she said with a light tone hoping that the old man would hear her words. Aurora was defiently scared and didn't want to die by some beasts hand or weapon. She trembled in fear but still believed in herself. She stayed quiet waiting for something or someone to say anything. Aurora was..defiently not ready once she heard about the 'Guardians'. But some parts seemed simple about the quest for one, Destroying arficafts that were held into the shrine. She wasn't so sure about the quest but she will still go for the [b]Empress Sake.[/b] [center][img]http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view2/1369778/cute-cat-o.gif[/img][/center]