[url=http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g232/thomastamblyn/Paranoia.jpg]This[/url] [url=http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Paranoia-clippy.jpg]is[/url] [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paranoia_(role-playing_game)]Paranoia[/url]. You are a troubleshooter. You work for the Computer. Mutations [s]exist[/s][User Raidne-R-QEN 1 redacted. User Raidne-R-QEN 2 logged on.] DO NOT EXIST, and are illegal. Secret societies DO NOT EXIST, and are illegal. You are both a mutant and a member in a secret society. Please report to the nearest termination booth. The Computer has assigned you a [s]simple and easily completeable[/s] vital task to troubleshoot. [s][i]Don't trust anyone, they're all-[/i][/s] [User Raidne-R-QEN 2 redacted. User Raidne-R-QEN 3 logged on] There may be mutant commie traitors in your midst. Terminate them with extreme prejudice, provided you submit the proper evidence. --- Who's with me? It would also be helpful to post your experience with Paranoia. I'm aiming for Classic for those in-the-know. Small note: This is still mostly experimental. Things may go wrong. I may get bogged down. I'll try really hard not to; and if I do, I'll warn you. Suggestions (especially regarding how to translate Paranoia from tabletop to the Guild) and questions are certainly welcome. [u]My Plan:[/u] Character Sheets will be in the OOC. The secret parts of them will either be posted as hiders or PM'd. If they are hiders, don't freakin' click on other people's character sheets! Dice rolls will be done through some third-party site or app. Possibly [url=http://orokos.com/roll/]orokos[/url]. Perversity Points will be awarded, and will be kept track of in the initial post. Forms will be made use of. Likely going to run Mr. Bubbles, unless people have done it before, in which case I'll do (something else). Frantic brushing up on Paranoia for the next few days. It's been a little while.