I have done some binge watching and have finally gotten around to seeing the first three X-Men films. I have not seen the Wolverine ones, so keep that in mind. I have seen First Class but will see Days of Future Past in weekend, probably. In my mind, X-Men and X2 were good, though the third one was one I'd like to pretend never happened. So if my future partners are okay with this, I'd like to do away with those events all together. I would like someone who is advanced in writing, or high casual at the very least. Below are pairs I can try, anyone with a * by them, are roles I can try. Magneto* x Mystique* (old or young versions) Professor X x Mystique* (old or young versions) Wolverine x Rogue* Cyclops x Mystique* Professor X* x Dr. Jean Grey (old or young versions) Wolverine x Storm* Professor X* x Storm* Cyclops x Rogue* Magneto* x Emma Frost* (old or young versions) Professor X* x Emma Frost* (old or young versions) Beast x Storm* (old or young versions) Banshee x Mystique* (old or young versions) I may be okay with Canon x OC but it would depend if the OC was a mutant (if so, their skills and history) or not, and who we would double as. If you are interested, drop me a line or something.