Kate woke up at her normal time and got out of bed. She took a quick shower and dried her hair before getting dressed in her [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/297/7/2/ia_vocaloid_render_by_akirasama03-d6rnbu6.png] outfit [/url] for the day. Kate grabbed her flute and quickly placed it in her bag before heading down to the kitchen, setting her bag in a chair. Kate began making breakfast for her sister and her, hurriedly and silently moving around the kitchen to get everything done. In the end she had made eggs, pancakes, bacon, and toast, with orange juice to drink. She set the food on the table and walked up to her sister's room. Kate stood in front of her sister's door and took a deep breath, she walked in and went over to her bed. Kate gently shook Melissa to wake her up. "Mel, breakfast is ready downstairs. I'll wait for you before I eat myself, just hurry down sis." Kate said softly but loud enough to help wake Melissa up. Kate the exited the room and went to the table sitting down and patiently waiting. After only one minute though Kate got out her flute and played a relaxing melody, she had taught herself, from the titanic as she waited for her sister to come down. [hider=The song if you want to hear it] [youtube]c7punBElKjM[/youtube] [/hider]