Would she see her home again, if she followed the unknown boy from an unknown land? Responsibility couldn't be placed solely on his shoulders though, it wasn't fair. Urkwia couldn't pick and choose what to investigate. She was a scientist and she couldn't be biased or afraid. She had to follow whatever progress was made. Telio was confident in his response to go and she envied that trait of bold ferocity. The girl looked off and ceased her tapping as she set the stones back on the table, almost changing her mind. Or at the least, being more careful. Telio continued to talk, mentoned that the portal would be his own way to go home. She had forgotten for a moment, that he was somewhat lost in hers, and if she were in his position, she would also want to do whatever she could to go back to her family. Her guilt and uneasiness was cut short when he mentioned that there could be many other worlds, which would make their goal much harder to obtain. Was it possible that they could wind up in someplace else? Someplace alien? Someplace uninhabitable. "I'd like to think that...we would go where Sapphires may be found, maybe it's your world and mine, since we were the ones who had been behind the activity..." She speculated, though it wasn't just to speculate, but to calm her own nerves. Was it possible that there were others, in other worlds who were like them? People who had magic but were on the cusp of exploring its usefulness and risks? Urkwia licked her lips and took a deep breath. This was a lot to handle. Thankfully the conversation went back to a more positive light as Telio mentioned what they may need for their potential progress. "Y-yes. I help you with whatever you may need." She nodded faintly. "I do have a trusted companion, I will ask him to provide his services to us-your quest." She cleared her throat. Urkwia was undecided as to what she would do. Her mind could create endless situations and possibilities but they would mean nothing when the opportunity would present itself. She let the first chance slip through her fingers and while she had no regrets, she wasn't sure she'd be able to say the same thing, the second time around. "His name is Nah and he has helped me in the past with gem studies though he's more bound by duty than curiosity." She told Telio. "Even so, he is a strong Knight and I've known him all of my life and I trust him completely." She said. "He won't be a servant per say but he has been able to assist me, more like an equal." She walked over to the stairs and headed on up. In five minutes, she returned with a silver haired man in armor. [url=http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c260/Genkai001/Characters/20694567.jpg]Nah[/url] was close behind Urkwia. They looked related but they weren't. "The Princess has explained everything to me, provisions can be ready tomorrow morning at the earliest." He said and glanced to the woman, seeming uncertain about the request but he wasn't one to back down. He had sworn his life to Urkwia and if she needed him to go with the stranger named Telio, he would do so with honor. "Thank you, that's wonderful." She smiled. "I can show you to your room, I'm sure you're tired." She looked back to Telio. It wasn't too late in the day, there were still a few hours of sunlight left, but the long haired girl wasn't sure what Telio wanted to do. She wasn't even sure what she would want to do now. Study the sapphires. "I could show you where I've harvested them..." She mused thoughtfully. "Are you sure you should?" Nah questioned her. This earned him a look and he relented, knowing there was no point. Once she set her mind to something, near anything, there was little he could do to protect her. "Shall I accompany you?" Urkwia looked back to Telio. "Keep a good distance." It would be good for the two males to get along but she wanted to test the waters herself and see if they would be a good fit, if not, she'd have to bring someone else up to speed. While Nah was skeptical about her work, he at least knew what she did while no one really did.