Hey. y'all. So I wanted to run by you a few different plotlines. Unfortunately, I can't take credit for the wordings. They're from Tumblr, but they're basically what I had in mind, only worded better. I'm not sure who the credit for the final image goes to. Anyway, these are a few of the Plotlines I'd like to play, leading on from what Silver Carrot was saying about mob-bosses and such. With these plotlines, I figure we can have almost as much violence as the show. [hider=Mafia Lannisters] The Godfather AU | Game of Thrones - The Lannisters "The Mafia isn’t blonde!" - "It now is." We report today that Mafia don Bobby Baratheone has been found dead in his house. His wife Crercei's family, her younger brothers Tyrion and Jaime as well as her father Tywin have taken over the illegal gambling bars of the Baratheone Family, as well as the rest of NYC’s organzied crime. We also report that Commisioner Edward Stark received a threat this morning, finding the head of a horse in his bedroom. Police believes that the Lannisters have wanted to send a message to New York’s chief of police — That’s it for now, and here is Lisa with the wheather.[/hider] [hider=WW2 Lannisters] [i]"He’s losing blood! Jaime, don’t die, help is on the way!"[/i] Perhaps it was better this way. How could he ever live after all he had done? After all he had seen. We’ve all been living a lie and there’s nothing sacred about this world. Beauty had died in the trenches in France. But surely there had to be some beauty. He had to remember. The sweet summer days, and his father’s face, and Tyrion’s smile. And the taste of Cersei’s lips. There was still beauty in all of those. In Tyrion’s love. In his children’s golden hair. In the softness of his lover’s skin. [i]Live, [/i] he told himself harshly,[i] live for Cersei, live for Tyrion.[/i] Live for vengeance.[/hider] [hider=Vagas Takeover] [i]"A Lannister always pays his debts - Time for you to pay yours/[/i] In the city of sin they rule ,all. [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/39972ba75e9c586b1144f93b4a74dd68/tumblr_mpdta7NZ3s1qg63t7o1_1280.gif[/img][/hider] NOTE; Ths RP is still not completely centred around the Lannisters, and I can't wait to see how other characters will be incorporated. The Lannisters are simply my favourite, that's why the AU suggestions are based around them.