The world no longer trusted S.H.I.E.L.D. and with good reason. As it was, no one knew who had secret loyalties to Hydra. Any 'hero' could be a villain in disguise. Peter had already endured the skeptical looks of the Manhattan residents. The NYPD had begrudgingly allowed Spiderman to continue his crime fighting even if they were a little more weary of the web-slinging masked man. Peter went about his days normally, keeping in contact with the police when the need arose and snapping quick shots of himself to hand into the Bugle. Jameson had had a hay day with the Hydra commotion, immediately putting Spiderman into the spotlight as an obvious suspect of disloyalty. Like always, Peter took it with a grain of salt and allowed the papers to say what they would. His actions would speak for themselves. Though his latest decision would probably land him in the hot seat of several organizations. Peter was perched atop a building, scanning the streets below and looking for the armored truck that was soon to arrive. Shield had requested the help of one of the Avengers in escorting a dangerous person to an underground base location within the city. As the main Avengers were under so much scrutiny, Peter stepped up to help. He may not have an advanced heads up display like Tony, speak several languages, or the ability to turn green but he knew the streets. He knew what was safe and neighbourhoods they should avoid. As far as he was concerned, Manhattan was his responsibility. Even after the alien attack, Peter had stood resolute in his duties despite the lack of recognition of his helping hand during the invasion. A flicker of movement, or perhaps the lack of, caught Peter's attention and he looked down to a busy intersection. A large truck with four vans, two in front and behind, stopped at the curb. Peter took a last glance at his web-shooters before allowing himself to slip off the building's side. He would never tire of the feeling of rushing wind after leaping from a building. He revelled in the sensation as long as he dared before sending out two long ropes of web that attached to adjacent buildings. He slowed his decent and hopped down the last few feet, jogging to a stop a ways away from the van. Shield agents were already pouring out of the vans, weapons nestled loosely in their holsters. One man stepped forward, he was obviously in charge, and beckoned the web-slinger over. Peter obliged and listened in silence as the man stated their destination. "We are transporting the cargo to Bryant Park. You are our escort." He said. At least he was blunt and to the point, Peter thought. "I would have preferred Tony Stark, but I have been assured you will carry out the assignment professionally." "Professional, probably not. Successfully, yes." Peter said quickly with a nod. Bryant park was on the other end of the island past Central Park. There was not much danger from where they stood and where they were going. If all went well, it would be an easy day.